Many of you have been following our missionary travels and have joined with us in special prayer as our family lost a loved one recently. Marlene's sister Brenda (Post) Vincent went home to be with the Lord on April 5.
Following that weekend, we received news that Brenda had been placed in the hospital with complications with her cancer on Wednesday. Marlene's mother was still visiting with us and we made the decision to go visit Brenda at the hospital in South Carolina. We had a good trip and were able to spend some meaningful time with her. Janette, Marlene's other sister, drove up from Florida to take mom back home. It was a real blessing for mom, Marlene and Janette to have this time with Brenda. On Sunday, Brenda had a good day and we felt that we would continue with our plans to go to Africa, so we returned to Indiana to prepare for our trip.
On Monday, March 31, we received word that Brenda was not doing well and we knew we had to return to South Carolina to be with family so we canceled our travels. Brenda held on for a few more days giving the family time to care for her in those final days. God helped us in very special ways as we had the honor of walking this journey with Brenda and her precious family. We thank you for praying for us. Hundreds of emails and Facebook messages poured in from our friends and supporters around the world. We felt God holding us up and His presence was with us. We thank God for the gift of pastoring our own family.
Isaiah 55: 6 - 9 states, " Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon .'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.'"
I started this blog post with the title, "God's NOT dead" and that is so true. In the midst of New Beginnings such as a newly weds starting out on life's journey together, to the home going of a saint, we rejoice in knowing that we do serve a living God. This Friday all of Christendom will remember the suffering Christ as He was nailed to the cross and shed His own blood for our sins. We will have opportunity to realize once again that it was you and me that should die for sin, but Jesus took that on Himself and died in our place and was put in the tomb. It appeared once and for all that Satan had won and God was dead. But it was only Friday, and Sunday is coming! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, conquers death and the grave and bursts forth alive and well. Today we have that hope, that we to through Christ may have eternal life. And that is a message we all can proclaim this Easter!
So tell the world the Good News! God's NOT Dead!
Many of you are praying for us -
Pray that we will know the right timing to make our visit to Kenya and Uganda
Pray for Marlene's family as they grieve the loss of 3 family members in the past year
Pray for Jessica and Zac as they start their journey together as husband and wife
Pray for our son Joshua as he is in need of a job and was laid off from his work
Pray for our son Jordan as he completes this year of college and seeks summer employment
Pray for our up coming candidate review weekend as potential missionaries will be screened and evaluated for service around the world
Pray for our trip to Bolivia the end of June/first of July
Pray for Renewal for our missionaries in July as well as Orientation Camp and Home Ministry Training.
We would love to hear from you as well and partner with you in prayer for any special needs you may have. Please contact us at We thank you for your partnership with us in ministry. Because of your giving and because of your prayers we have this ministry together.
May the Lord Bless you and Keep you.
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
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