Friday, September 2, 2016


47 MILES TO E FUEL LEVEL LOW came on our car as we traveled back from speaking at Pathways Community Church in Jackson, Michigan last Sunday, August 28.
We just finished sharing about our ministry as pastors and encouragers to our missionaries and there came the message FUEL LEVEL LOW.
How is your fuel level today? It is good to take a look at spiritual and emotional tanks and take note of what is in reserve and stop for a rest and a refill.  
Marlene and I spend our time in ministry day after day helping to re-fuel our missionaries and keep them running for the long haul. Cross-cultural work is never easy and pouring out to others in ministry in another language, or an unfamiliar location can certainly cause the fuel levels to run low. Traveling to another country and culture can have stressful results.
We work together with our Member Health Team at World Gospel Mission to help relieve the stressors of missionary life and work and to encourage the re-fueling of the heart and soul. The word Sabbath has become an important word to emphasize. Sabbath means, "stop,  rest, time out" and that is a word we would like to share with you today. God longs to draw close to you and to minister to your heart and soul and as a matter of fact He promises that when you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. In that relationship God restores your soul and replenishes your tank and allows you the spiritual and emotional energy you need to continue on in deepening that relationship.
The statement "Work out of our rest, not rest out of our work" is something that means a lot to us. This quote is closely tied with Creation. God worked for 6 days to create everything and speak it into existence, that which never before was. The Bible tells us that the last creation was Adam and then on 7th day God rested and turned the creation over to Adam. Adam's first day, was God's 7th day, a day of REST. Sabbath rest, means to set aside time to be with the loving heavenly Father, so that re-fueling and refreshment can come and it is possible to "work out of our rest, not rest out of our work."
It is great for Marlene and I to remind ourselves of this truth. We can get busy in the work just like you our supporters and prayer partners. We can get busy in the work just like our missionaries, pastors and church leaders. The fuel level can get low and when the warning light comes on, take notice. Listen to your soul, draw near to the One who loves you and cares for you and know that God is with you. Re-fuel your tank in His presence and give yourself time to allow God to minister to your heart. He longs to spend time with you.
Next week we have the honor to work with a dozen of our missionaries coming from around the world everywhere from Kenya to Bolivia and places in between for some days of refreshment and renewal. Please pray for our Member Health Team as we pour into our missionaries and encourage them through this time of debriefing and renewal. Please pray for our Member Health Team as we transition our co-workers Frank and Sharon Martin into retirement and we continue to minister to our missionaries around the world. Please pray for our newest members of our team Greg and Teresa Leeth as they work with us and Mike Banks as he ministers to our missionary kids.
 As you pray for our ministry we have some travels that are coming up in the near future and we would ask you to remember us as we make plans to visit some of our mission fields. Here are some of the events:
Renewal  - Sept. 7 - 9 at WGM Marion, IN
Team Building Training - Sept. 12 - 15 at WGM Marion, IN
Travel to California to visit missionaries - Sept. 21 - 26
Europe Travel to Albania, Hungary, Ukraine and Georgia  - Oct. 31 - Nov. 14
Travel to Peru for South American Regional Retreat -  Dec. 30 - Jan. 8
Your prayers and your financial support are vital to our ministry and we never want to forget to say "Thank you" for your partnership in this work. You are our champions in this cause and we thank God for each of you. We hope and pray that your tank will be full...full of God's love and care as you continue to serve Him.
In Christ,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
WGM Directors of Member Health,
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952