We love our missionaries and the chance we have to help prepare them for effective service during this week of intense training.
Forward March! made several pastoral visits to missionaries currently back in the USA. We traveled nearly 2,000 miles during the past week in ministry as we visited and prayed with 6 of our missionary family's. When we returned to Marion at the WGM Headquarters we had a special commissioning service for two family's that are going out as career missionaries to Uganda and Honduras.

Forward March ! On the 22nd we will be celebrating the wedding of our daughter Jessica to Zachary Hiser in Mansfield, Ohio. They met at Indiana Wesleyan University during their senior year and have grown in their relationship and love. We are so very excited about this event and very happy for them. Ned will walk Jessica down the isle while Zac's uncle who is a pastor with the Joni and Friends Ministry helps officiate. After he gives her away, he will join Pastor Brian in co-officiating the wedding. We are so happy for Jessi and Zac and we pray that God will bless their day abundantly and each day forward in their lives.
Forward March ! April 1 - 15 we will be making field visits to our WGM missionaries in Kenya and Uganda. We will be speaking 3 times during the Kenya missionary retreat as we seek to encourage and be a blessing. We will then fly to Kampala, Uganda and visit missionaries serving in various ministries
Forward March! Special Prayer Requests -
1. Pray for this group on missionaries headed out to serve. Pray that their remaining funds can be raised and that they will have all they need as they prepare to go and serve.
2. Pray for Jessica and Zac (and mom and dad) as we celebrate this exciting day for our family. Pray that they will be blessed beyond measure as they begin their lives together.
3. Pray for us as we travel to Kenya and Uganda. This will be our first visit to these nations and to Africa. Pray that we will have many opportunities to be Christ's hands and feet to those with whom we minister.
4. Pray for safety in all our travels and wisdom to be God's voice of help and encouragement.
We thank you so much for your faithfulness to us. We know that because of your prayers and your faithful support financially that we are able to March Forward! With the love and hope that only Christ can bring.
Thank you and God Bless you greatly,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Missionary Pastors - Directors of Member Health
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953
To make a secure, on line donation to our ministry visit
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