Dear Friends and Faithful Supporters,
We send heart-felt thanks to you for your friendship and partnership on this journey of mission that God has called us to. During the past few months we have reached dozens of missionaries and workers sharing the Gospel of Jesus to a world in need. From medical missions in Kenya to educational missions in Paraguay, the Word of the Lord has gone forth and you have been a part of this great outreach. Thank you.
During the months of July and September we hosted global workers from the fields of Honduras, Kenya, Uganda, Papua New Guinea, Native American, Peru, Mexico and the Border Ministries. During this time we provided a time of debriefing and renewal for these families as they continue in the next stages of
their home ministry assignment and prepare for their next season of ministry with WGM. God is working in and around the world as we hear testimonies of the faithfulness of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit transforming lives with hope, and wholeness.
Sometimes we are asked what exactly do we do, and we often are reminded of our early days in ministry as missionaries to the Texas-Mexican Border. We were so overwhelmed with work and busyness in ministry that we did not even know that sometimes it is good and healthy to take a pause and refresh the soul spiritually and emotionally. We knew what it was to work and work hard, but no one taught us the value of replenishing our our spirits and we reached a level of near burn-out in ministry. Over many years of ministry in the pastorate, chaplaincy, counseling and missionary service, we have learned the importance of renewal in the life and work of the minister, the missionary and leaders in ministry. We are thankful for the opportunity we have to provide this type of pastoral care through the gift of listening, giving empathy and encouraging people in the faith. We have often compared our ministry to that of the story in Exodus 17, as Moses was praying for Joshua and the battle with the Amalekites. As Moses prayed with arms held up, Joshua would be winning the battle, but as Moses' arms grew tired in prayer, he would lose. The Lord sent along two men, Aaron and Hur to hold Moses' arms up in prayer and Joshua won the battle. This story reminds us that we are Aaron and Hur to our missionaries and we are holding them up in prayer, counsel and encouragement. We are so thrilled to be a part of this tremendous work and we take just a minute to remind you that you to are in partnership with us.
Pause with me for just a moment and consider how many people around the world are touched by a missionary or a global worker? I would not even know a number to put on it but lives are being restored and helped because of persons answering God's calling on their lives to serve. As you partner with Marlene and I in our ministry as member care givers to these servants, you are having a direct impact on helping be an Aaron and Hur! We praise God for you and thank you for your prayers and support for us.
During the first week of September we had a Retreat for Retirees of WGM, here at the Marion Campus, in Indiana. Nearly 60 saints of God representing 100's of years of combined ministry through WGM around the world gathered for this event. We honored those currently retiring and those that have been retired. Devotional times, singing, sharing, with times of prayer and fellowship around meals was well received. It was a joy for our member care team to serve these retirees and share in honoring and thanking them for many faithful years of service to Jesus through WGM.
WGM has been in existence since 1910 and continues, to this day, providing for the needs of people around the world. Our rich heritage is certainly a blessing. We are grateful to serve with WGM and so grateful to have you partnering with this great mission.
We had the opportunity to attend the New Room Conference held in Murfreesboro, TN as over 2,500 leaders from churches, organizations, and mission agencies gathered to pray for a great awakening and move of God for our World.

The Holy Spirit led in each of the sessions as we were challenged and encouraged to lean into the heart of God and His desires for the next generation of leaders and the furtherance of the Gospel.
The New Room Conference was born out of the move of God over 8 years ago with about 250 people who gathered to pray. This year it was a tremendous response as God moved in our midst. Nearly 60 persons from WGM attended from top leaders to missionaries to have our hearts ignited and to rekindle our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit. We believe the next generation of leaders are being raised up through movements such as this one and the next generation of missionaries will come forth to continue to help usher the the Kingdom of God to earth as Jesus taught us to pray.
We also had some time this summer to enjoy our families. We had a 4th of July family gathering for Ned's family at our home in Marion, and we had a Post/Lane Family reunion for Marlene's family in the Smokey Mountains. Of course we love the time we have with our family and with our precious granddaughters. We are blessed beyond measure and so grateful for the blessings of the Lord in our family. We do ask an interest in your prayers as we have family currently displaced by the hurricane, as well as some family members facing physical challenges and in need of prayer. We will be traveling next week to North Carolina for a conference on pastoral care giving, and hope to continue to be encouraged and helped in our ministry. Pray for our travels. We also have had some deaths in our missionary families that we are responding to by providing pastoral care and a ministry of presence and support during times of grief and loss.
Finally, we just want to give thanks to the Lord, Jesus Christ for each one of you. Thank you from our hearts for your prayers and support for us. We depend on you and whether you are part of a mission board at your church, a pastor, a friend, a co-worker, a prayer or financial supporter of our ministry, we love you and appreciate you!
In Jesus' Good Name,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Missionaries WGM
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
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