BE, JUST BE There is nothing that matters more. In these past several months we have found that being at Jesus feet is the best place we can be. To be in Jesus presence is the desire of our hearts. We invite you to take this moment and listen to the song linked above and just be in Christ's presence and allow Him to wash over you with His presence.
In April we made our maiden voyage out west to visit our missionaries serving on the American Indian Field in Peoria, AZ. This was our first opportunity since Covid to travel. It was so good to be able to do what we love, spending time in soul talks, encouraging our global workers to continue in their ministries in healthy and meaningful ways. Our team there is seeing God do some amazing things as they re-envision the work among the native American people. We were blessed to attend a vision meeting where a native American pastor prayed over the ministry vision and gave their blessing for the ministry.
We visited with our former co-workers, Frank and Sharon Martin and they had a birthday party for Marlene. The Martins worked with us until they retired a few years back and since moved back to the area they served as missionaries for over 20 years. From there we headed over to Orange County, California where we attended a spiritual formation retreat with Soul Shepherding. It was a meaningful and blessed experience for us to have this time of renewal and refreshment for our lives. We had another opportunity to practice what it means to STOP and just BE with the Lord in a time of focusing on Him. We continue to realize what it means to live in Jesus easy yoke and exchange our heavy yoke for His light one.
We returned to WGM where we were thrilled with the announcement that WGM would be opening back up to the public on June 1 and that we could look at having in person events here at head quarters once again. It had been 14 months since Covid forced us to go virtual with every event and meeting. We completed a training on Risk Assessment and Management during this time that allowed us to continue to help our team to look out for the safety of our missionaries around the world.
In the month of June we had planned for our family vacation at the cabin at Lake Michigan where we have gone for over 20 years. We were only there 2 days when miraculously a voice mail came to our phone in the remote area we were at and we were informed that Marlene's oldest brother had suffered a catastrophic stroke and was on life support. We immediately packed up our vacation and headed off for Largo, FL. Don and Sue had been major partners in our ministry over the years and allowed us to establish our stateside residency with them when we were serving out of the country. We arrived in time to see Don, but just two days later, Jesus called him home. We were there with family for the funeral and burial. Ned spoke at Don's memorial service and we were blessed by two of our team members who came down to be with us at that service. Marlene has lost three siblings and both her parents since 2013. Heaven does get sweeter, all the time.
We interspersed some time whenever we could to see our granddaughters. Rowen and Elliot are now both 5 and 2 and are the apple of Papa and Ama's eye! We sure love them supremely. Our local church here in Marion had a Vacation Bible School and we were able to have them come stay with us for this time. Rowen loved singing songs and having Papa as a helper in her class. Elliot loved being in the nursery with Ama. We are so thankful for the investment we can have in their little lives. Papa survived 5 nights of VBS with up to 31 preschoolers.
During the 4th of July weekend we were able to host Ned's family at our home in Marion. We finished up our home remodel and it was so great to have family come and stay with us. All of Ned's siblings and his mom and aunt were all able to come. Ned's mom is 96 years old and loves to watch the fireworks. Gas City, Indiana had a beautiful display this year and we viewed them from the middle school that Jordan teaches at. We had a celebration and picnic and lots of fun with family.
We were called to the hospital in Detroit where one of our missionaries had suffered a heart attack. He was able to get immediate attention and two days later was discharged and is doing very well in the recovery process. We were thankful that we could respond and be of support to this couple through this challenging time.
Just last week we had our first in person Renewal event. We had 16 missionaries and 16 missionary kids into WGM Marion for Renewal. We had a great sessions, good fellowship and all around wonderful time face-to-face in ministry. We are so very thankful that we could do this. This week is a conference on doing Home Ministry and we are sharing devotions and presentations to help support them as they continue on in fund raising and ministry while here at home. We do have a larger than normal group home at this time, partly due to schedule and partly do to Covid related travel concerns etc. We are doing all we can to ministry effectively.
Well, what's next? We often are asked, do you have any traveling out of country coming up? At this point we do not. Many of our countries are still on various forms of travel restriction and not open for visits. So we are focusing on what we can do and for that reason we have realized that we have an opportunity to connect with some of our ministry partners out west. We will be heading out to Kansas to visit several supporters of our ministry as well as some global workers in that area of the country. We will also go to South Dakota and perhaps on to Arizona as we determine is best.
We are thankful for our supporters and likely if you are reading this update and have read this far along, we would be quick to say you are part of that number. Thank you for what you do in prayer and financial giving to make our ministry possible. We have said many times over, we could not do this ministry with out your support and without you prayers, so thank you!
Now as you read this update you may think wow, that is a lot and some days it feels like a lot, but we know that you carry a lot too, so how about we all decide, just to BE! Be in Christ's presence, rest in Him and trust in Him to carry us through.
Pause! Stop! BE!
Just BE!
Ned and Marlene McGrady
WGM Missionaries
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953
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