Recently we celebrated a surprise "Facebook" 60th Birthday Card Shower for Marlene. Our daughter Jessica planned the electronic celebration and well over 100 cards came flooding in. We had so many we had to find a box big enough to hold the surprise which we presented to her at a family gathering. Thank you so much for helping to make Marlene's Birthday so very special. We really appreciated it.
As we viewed this picture we saw Marlene holding a precious treasure; so many wonderful people sharing their love and appreciation with her in such a meaningful and tangible way. It was a true treasure. Our minds were then drawn to Luke 12:54 (NLT) "Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thougths will also be."

We began thinking of all of the treasures we possess and they are so many. From the spiritual side there is the treasure we have through Christ Jesus and all the blessings He so freely gives to us. The gift of salvation, eternal life, the promise of the Holy Spirit, the daily abiding presence in our lives. Wonderful treasures. From the emotional side there is the treasure of friendship, love, and support that we find through family, loved ones and people like you. There is the blessing of a precious little one year old in our lives that brings us so much joy. We celebrated Rowen's One year birthday on April 15th, with many of our family gathered together. What a wonderful treasure we have with family. Each of you reading this update are part of the treasure, part of the family, part of our ministry, part of the team that helps to make what we do possible through your prayers for us, through your giving to our ministry and through your love and support to us. Thank you for being part of the wonderful treasure of God's gift to us.

From the physical side there is the treasure of ministry that we have with God's choice servants. We have been called to serve God's servants. We are committed to the ministry of caring for missionaries serving God around the world. Our hearts and thoughts are focused on our missionaries who are real treasures too. World Gospel Mission is committed to serving people around the world. We recently returned from a visit to Kenya where we had a wonderful time of ministry to over 70 missionaries (plus kids) during a retreat on the Indian Ocean. Many of you were praying for us as we made this journey last month. We shared several days with our missionaries taking time with each family and each missionary to ask how they were doing and hear their hearts and see what God is doing in their lives and in their ministries. There were countless opportunties to pray together, encourage and support in a tangible way, the work of our missionaries. We gathered together in regular times of worship as well as fun times of actives and play. We presented the personality teaching of True Colors and everyone enjoyed learning if they were Blue, Gold, Green or Orange. Each color stands for a particular approach a person takes on relationships and personality. The whole week long, missionaries had fun sharing things like, "Well of course you need a hug, you are blue" or "Where's the party? The Oranges' are here!" or "We better be careful and do this right, we are Gold." or "Logically this doesn't add up to a true Green." It was so much fun and helpful too. What a real treasure to invest in such encouraging ways with our missionaries.

One of the great treasures that we experienced was a baptism in the Indian Ocean. What a sight to have over 100 Christians gathered on the shore praying together and rejoicing together as new believers in Jesus Christ were baptized. What an exciting thing to behold and what a joy to know that people around the world are making committments to follow Jesus. We praise the Lord for this and share this news with you with great joy.
Then for just a little fun, one never knows when at the Indian Ocean, buring a baptismal service when three camels may appear! Anyone for a ride???
The Gospel of Luke reminds us that heavens values far surpass those of this temporal world. We are so thankful for you, who join with us regularly in keeping the focus on the eternal. Luke 12:34 "Whever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will be also."
Blessings to each of you,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
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