Summertime means a lot of training, conferences and visits from World Gospel Missionaries serving around the world. It is a joy for us to partner with some of God's choice servants to invest in their lives. The picture above is of our field leaders from 20 plus countries that have gathered for two weeks of renewal, and retreat to grapple with some ministry strategies to enhance the efforts to reach the world for Christ. Every other year WGM Marion hosts these leaders and this is the third opportunity we have had to work alongside of these great leaders. It is exiting to learn what God is doing around the world as the Gospel is transforming lives not only for eternity but also in the here and now.
During the past several months, Marlene and I have made several visits to Africa where God has used us in ministry among our missionaries. We are grateful that we can have this ministry of encouragement and to see God at work as we minister. Many of you faithfully support us both financially and through prayer and we thank you.
We are looking forward to Celebration, June 25 -28 at Huntington University in Huntington, IN. People from far and near will be gathering to celebrate what God is doing around the world in missions. You are invited to join us. We would love to see you there. For more information go to www.wgm.org or email us.
In July we will host 21 missionaries in a time of debriefing and renewal. Renewal is a special time of ministry and encouragement that we look forward to. We will also have opportunity to help prepare the next group of missionaries being sent forth from WGM to serve Christ among the nations. Helping to prepare missionaries and assisting in supporting and debriefing missionaries is a wonderful blessing and you as our partners in this work are so appreciated.
You may recall the story of Joshua in Exodus 17 when Joshua is fighting in a battle and Moses is up on the mountain with his arms raised up in prayer. As long as Moses has his arms up, Joshua wins the battle, but as Moses arms grow tired, and they come down, Joshua begins to lose. God sees this and sends two men Aaron and Hur to hold up Moses hands and Joshua wins the battle. We believe this is the picture of ministry that God has given us to do. We are holding the arms of our missionaries up as they serve on the front lines and we recognize that God is using you to help hold us up through your prayers and support for this ministry. We thank God for each one of you.
We certainly want our partnership to go both ways. We are interested in your needs and how we may serve you and pray for you. Please let us hear from you at ned@straightpaths.org
May God Bless you greatly,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Pastors to Missionaries
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
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