Every other year, WGM has a leadership training event known as IMPACT. It usually is held in Indiana but this year instead of bringing mission leaders back to the USA for IMPACT, we are going to take the training across the ocean to them. Mission leaders from countries around the world where WGM serves, will be coming to Albania for 10 days of retreat, refreshment and training in leadership and ministry in order to better reach the nations for Christ.
We are going not only to take part in IMPACT, but to be available to connect with our missionaries. It is always great to attend events like this, where we have a large gathering of our people in one area. We understand that we will be meeting on the Mediterranean Sea and we anticipate that there will be countless opportunities to meet with our global workers in times of pastoral care, support and listening to their hearts for ministry and serving Jesus.
We have always said that we have the best job in the whole world, we get to be encouragers to those that are working on the frontlines of ministry and partner with them as we listen to their hearts, pray for their concerns and walk with them in their ministries. We will have an opportunity to impact over 20 countries with the Good News of Jesus, as we meet with folks from all walks of ministry. We have often realized that the sun never sets on the work of WGM, the Gospel is always being lived out, preached, taught and shared as persons come to Christ and are discipled in the faith.
You may wonder if your investment in our ministry is making any impact on the world? The answer is YES! We hear of lives transformed and hope coming to the hurting, each and every day. God has called persons to go, and WGM has facilitated their going out to the nations to impact them with a better way of living. Our roles as pastor/counselor is to help to shepherd, encourage and keep those persons engaged in ministry.
As you pray for us in these coming days, we ask that you will ask Jesus to give us great times of connection, very big and energized hearts to hear the joys and the concerns of our missionaries, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to speak, to listen, to empathize, to care, to pray, to encourage. Our greatest need is to have the impact of the spirit of God on our lives so that we may be ready to minister. We also know that in these travels there are always those unexpected opportunities to be a light in the world. Pray for us that we will be open and available to respond.
IMPACT 2023 will be held in Albania, and together, you, and us, we can make an IMPACT on the nations at this event. We plan to take you with us in our hearts knowing that your prayers and your support has made this trip possible.
We will plan to share some highlights and updates with you all in the next blog.
Impacting the world together,
Ned and Marlene
WGM Missionaries
World Gospel Mission, Box 948 Marion, IN 46952