Friday, February 12, 2021

Thank you and Happy Valentine Day


It is a privilege to serve the Lord here at WGM. Thank you so much for standing with us through your support and prayers. We never get tired of thanking you for all you do. You are really the reason we can do what we do. When David commissioned Solomon to build the house of the Lord, "the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly and made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart...." We thank God for your willingness and wholeheartedness. It is a joy to serve Him with you. 

We are so thankful for the opportunities we have had these past months, though curtailed in our physical ministry of presence to our global workers, we have had wonderful opportunities to connect virtually and now some, even domestically. God has used this time of Covid to help us plan, strategize, and grow our ministries to our people. We are filled with thanks to the Father for He has supplied our needs and I trust your needs, in abundant and amazing ways!!

At our team meeting recently, we were able to take a moment and realize that God has and is doing a great work among our global workers and through World Gospel Mission. We continue to see God's hand every where we turn and see Him supply every need. Marlene and I are encouraged as we think about you! That's right YOU!! It is so encouraging to us to know you are praying and giving and we are so grateful for our partnership together in reaching our world for Christ. 

We chose a bunch of hearts hanging and notice there are crosses on each heart! Hebrews 6:10 says, "God is not so unjust as to overlook your work, (or our work) and the love which you showed for His sake (and the love we are able to show) in serving the saints, as you still do."

May the Lord Bless you and keep you. We hope to have many more opportunities to minister as God opens doors. We had a church ask us to zoom in, in March just to chat, we are open to connecting with you. Please let us know. 


Ned and Marlene McGrady 

World Gospel Mission, Directors of Member Health

Box 948

Marion, IN 46952


To learn more about us click there.