Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Renewal Retreat

 Usually we hold a Renewal Retreat three times a year for our Global Workers that are coming back from their various places of service. This three day Renewal time gives opportunity for our missionaries to unpack their time in cross cultural service while transitioning to life back in the USA. You may recall in March we wrote to you concerning our visit to Kenya and how we were there for three days and then the Corona Virus hit and we had to get back to the USA as soon as we could. As the virus continued to pose threats not only here in the USA but around the world we had various workers serving in places where the virus had varying degrees of severity. 

As our Global Workers evaluated their travel plans for 2020, there were those that knew they would need to return this year for their Home Ministry Assignment. With the ever changing travel restrictions around the world and countries whose borders would open and close at various times, we have had about 45 of our workers return to the USA since the virus started. 

Normally, we would hold a Renewal Retreat in July, but this year Indiana was in the midst of a stay at home order and in order to protect the safety and health of all persons we canceled our July event. Our offices at WGM have remained on a work from home status. As you may imagine, we had a number of folks that needed the July Renewal and so we figured surely by September we will be open and able to hold the event. Well, all that changed and we still are not doing in person events. 

What is really interesting and exciting for us in all of this is the way God has worked through it and how He has helped us to re-envision what this retreat could look like. With the ability to remain closely connected by way of virtual meetings, we planned our first ever virtual Renewal Retreat. 

Next week our Member Health Team will be working with our missionaries in two different virtual settings. On Monday, Sept. 21 - 23 we will meet with group one of our workers to provide a virtual retreat. We use the zoom platform with interactive break out rooms to discuss and process through the unique events of this historic time. Group two will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 23 and conclude on Friday Sept. 25. We have a large number of persons to work with and for that reason we want to ask you to pray especially for our team and Marlene and me as we work together in ministry to these servants of God. 

One thing we are keenly aware of during these turbulent times, the strangest of times for sure, is that God is still on the throne and He IS still in control. Now more than ever we need to come by the still waters and we need to restore our soul and we need to allow God to lead us. A favorite breath prayer that we often use is, "The Lord is MY Shepherd," and you say that as you breathe in a deep breath. Hold that breath, think on the awesome power of God, and then as you exhale, "I shall not want." Try this little breath prayer. It brings a sense of calm and peace in the midst of the storm and it even gives fresh oxygenation to the brain! May you sense that peace and calm in your life today. 

Finally, we would be amiss to not THANK YOU for praying with us and for us! We appreciate how you do that and many of you support our ministry financially and we THANK YOU! 

Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health 
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952

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