We studied about Biblical Muticultural Teams and had two facilitators from Argentina that lead us in this important training to help our teams grow together and reach out to those to whom they minister. Our Member Health Team provided times of fun, s'mores, activities, worship, devotionals and more. Ned lead the evening sessions based on the book by Dr. Matthew Sleeth, "24/6" as we considered the importance of Sabbath Rest and stewardship of time in caring for our relationship with Christ. We closed our time with Communion and we were grateful for the close presence of the Lord in our midst. Many of you were praying for us and for this retreat and we appreciate it so much. God was faithful and your prayers made the difference. We spent this week enjoying the fellowship of our workers and being available to listen, pray and encourage them in the work they are doing in this part of the world. The ministry to our workers' children was also a key part of what our team was able to provide as we spent this week together. The retreat center was a very nice facility and we were so blessed to have this time with our people. A baptismal service of several young people was happening at the retreat center during our time there. It was so great to see the Lord at work among His people, all around the world! What an encouragement. We are so very blessed to be a part of this ministry. We have often said we have the best job in the whole world. We get to love, care, pastor, counsel and encourage people that are working cross culturally to make a difference for the Kingdom. We know that this is only possible because of churches and supporters that faithfully stand with us in financial support and prayer. As our week closed out, it was time for us to begin thinking about the next leg of our journey to the uttermost parts of the world. We headed to the airport in Manila to fly to Papua New Guinea.
The trip to PNG was very interesting to us because 41 years ago, when Marlene was a Sophomore at Ohio Christian University, she went on a summer mission trip to help with medical clinics in the bush.. Among her many gifts and abilities she is an LPN, so her summer internship included giving lots of vaccinations and helping to meet the health care needs of the people. It was interesting to return there and see many of the sites she had experienced. The pictures here are of the mission station in Kar where she ministered. Today, the church is still vibrant, but missionaries are no longer present at this location.
Ned was visiting PNG for the first time, so it was all very new and interesting as we shared this time together. One of the really meaningful experiences was the opportunity to speak to the pastors that are in training at the Christian Union Bible School in Mt. Hagen.
Their teacher, Rev. Shawn Waugh, who is pictured here with his students, invited Ned to share his testimony with them. He was able to encourage the students to realize their calling as ministers and the fact that calling is the one main factor that can hold you steady when the demands of ministry press in. The picture below of the students depicts the local Cook House on the Bible College grounds. The traditional hut is complete with a fireplace and yes, those are two chickens waiting to be cleaned and prepared for lunch. The Bible School is in process of expanding and work teams are there at the time of this writing to build more modern housing, showers, and facilities to better serve the pastors as they bring their families with them to Bible College. God is truly at work in PNG and the church is growing and lives are being transformed; thus communities are being transformed and our workers there are doing a great job in promoting the Good News to the people.
We took a 5 hour trip out into the bush to visit Seth and Veronica Porter and their family in Montanda. They are working out in the remote parts of this country to build churches, mentor young people and disciple people in the faith. Seth works with his guys with a mobile saw mill to prepare lumber for building and he is currently working on three church plants. This wonderful, young family is doing a tremendous job of serving the Lord.
They were in the earthquake a few years back that hit in PNG. Their home was rocked off its foundation and though shaken, their faith and commitment to serve the Lord has not been shaken. They continue to be a bright spot in the bush for the Kingdom and we were so blessed to minister with them. You
can see a picture of Seth with some of his guys. It was such a joy to see this ministry and what God is doing in the bush!
We spent time during our visit with each one of the missionary families. We ate together, laughed together and prayed together. It was a joy to hear their hearts, see their work and have a chance to experience a small part of what God is doing in their lives and ministries. We have found that it is times like these that make a difference. One of our greatest joys was to sit with their children and ask them what we could pray for, and as we did we found ourselves praying for their friends, their families and their parents as they work in PNG.
God met with us in special ways during this visit and we know that it God's blessing and favor that was with us. Thank you for your prayers for us and for our visit there. We had a chance to go to the local market and shop for food and a few gifts.
Ned found coffee that he really liked and brought some back. He would love to share a cup with you and just thank you personally for your support and for your prayers.
We have one more trip to take this year and we want to ask you to continue to pray with us as we plan to travel in November. We will present at a mission conference in northern Indiana just before we fly out to Argentina on November 24.
We will not be home this year for Thanksgiving as we will be doing ministry to our Global Workers through providing a retreat time of respite and renewal for them.
At the close of this year we will have done ministry, preached, counseled, taught, or visited in 30 countries around the world. WE THANK GOD for His mercy and great grace that sustains us and keeps us.
If you would like to be a part of our ministry team and want to learn more about how you can partner with us please let us know. If there are any special prayer requests or if you would like to have us come to your church to share, we would love to hear from you.
Our giving site for secure, online donations is www.wgm.org/mcgrady
Thank you for you love, care and support.
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Missionaries with World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952