sister Rowen were excited to have family with them as Elliot came into this world. She was born early Monday morning, April 22. She was 7lbs. and 13ozs and 19.5 inches long. We rejoice in a healthy, beautiful baby girl. What a joy to our hearts and what a blessing to realize the gift of New Life from God to us. Mommy and baby and the rest of the family are doing fine. Papa and Ama are so very happy and thankful to God for Elliot. Our Easter was perfect as we celebrated Marlene's birthday. It was the first time Marlene's birthday fell on Easter since she was born. We made it a special day as all of our immediate family worshipped together that morning and then had a special meal and birthday celebration for Marlene. Ned was able to surprise Marlene with a special NY Yankee's birthday cake and tickets to go to Yankee's Stadium to see a game to fulfill a life-long wish. We look forward to seeing them play in a few weeks. Our kids helped to make the Yankee birthday party a success as they gave her various pieces of "Yankee Swag".
Our work at World Gospel Mission continues to progress very well. We are working day to day with missionaries around the world continuing to support and encourage them as they work to bring the message of New Life to the other most parts of the world. We continue to hear stories of lives made new as people here the Gospel and experience New Life in Christ.
We have a several trainings ahead of us and various meetings to interact with our missionaries over the next three months. Missionaries from around the world will gather in Marion for a couple of weeks of meetings and training. Please pray for IMPACT a week long retreat in June We will be conducting Renewal for debriefing of missionaries as well as teaching in Orientation Camp to prepare to send out missionaries in July. Summer ministry at WGM is always packed full of ministry to our missionary kids at MK Camp and so much more!
As for our travels this year we are in the planning stages. We have been to Peru this year and it looks like there may be opportunities for us to minister in Africa, Asia and South America all during this year. We will keep you posted as those plans fall into place. We ask you to pray that God will have us go where we are most needed and where we can be of most use to the Kingdom work. We desire to be used by God and we are so thankful for you! If you are reading this update, we count ourselves blessed to know you and to thank God for you. It is your gifts to our ministry and it is your prayers for us that make all the difference in this ministry.
We will keep you posted on our schedule as it unfolds. Meantime we continue to covet your prayers and financial support. Thank you for praying for our family and continue to pray that New Life will come to many in 2019.
May the richest of Heaven's Blessings be yours,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Directors of Member Health
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952