We just returned from a wonderful opportunity to minister with our missionaries serving Christ in Peru. Two of our team members, Mike Banks and Amy Jarrett accompanied Marlene and I on this trip to South America. God is so faithful each time we board the plane, travel across the miles to answer the call of ministry that we have been given. I am often reminded of the many people that are praying for us and giving faithfully to our ministry and it is with deep appreciation and have tremendous gratitude to God for His provisions of care, safety and blessing. During this visit we were able to spend quality time together with our missionaries in the study of God's Word, fellowship, prayer and listening. We had some fantastic, fun times in recreation (laser tag) and breaking away from the work of ministry to share in times of Sabbath rest. We enjoyed fellowship around meals together, and spending quality time care for one another. One of the biggest challenges we see in our travels is the need for followers of Jesus to Sabbath - stop - pause... long enough to see a fresh glimpse of the goodness of God and all that He has to offer. His promises are sweet. His mercies are new each and everyday, and all we have to do is stop long enough from the busy rush of this life to see God in the midst of all that we do. Together we had opportunity to seek God and be in His presence in the beautiful Andes Mountains. We were reminded of our times of living in the beauty of the Andes and we were so thankful to be immersed back into a culture we had grown to love. Our missionaries David and Cathleen Strong and Jesus and Kristen Vega are serving with excellence amongst the Peruvian people. God is building His church and the outreach they have and relationships they are building are having an impact on lives. We are so thankful that the support you give to our ministry enables us to come alongside of missionaries like the Strongs and Vegas and to have a part in encouraging them in the work they are doing and the lives they are impacting for God.
Marlene shared devotions each day of the retreat and shared some of her experiences of how God worked through stories like Jonah and how all of us can tend to run from the Lord. Ned taught on Sabbath and remembering it and making it Holy. We worshipped together in song as Mike and Amy led us and shared together in communion as well as the fun times of visiting sights around the area. We played games, swam and simply had great fun together. Perhaps it has been a while since you have heard us say that we have the BEST job in the whole world! We love missionaries and we love to love on them. We thank you for your part in helping us fulfill that call on our hearts. God has been good to us and He has been faithful to use us in some 25 countries working with over 230 missionaries and we look forward to continuing to answer that call. Your partnership with us in this ministry makes it possible and we thank you. Thank you from our hearts. As we look into our needs at this time we would just remind you that we can always use your help. Our ministry can continue to thrive through your faithful gifts and support. Go to www.wgm.org/mcgrady for more info and or to make a donation to our ministry account. The budget year for our ministry ends on March 31 and we could use your support. Thank you so much for either your on line donation or check to WGM in our behalf. We thank you for your support. Here are some fun pictures (below) we took while on this trip as we enjoyed meeting up with Rick and Lori Lampen our missionaries from Bolivia. They met us in Lima, Peru and we were able to spend a weekend together in fellowship and ministry. Did I remember to say, we have the best job in the whole world? Well, we do!
Marlene was busy feeding llama's and Ned he was able to get a selfie with one!
We wanted to give you an update on Jordan and his ministry in McAllen, Texas with WGM. He has stepped aside from the ministry for the remainder of 2019 in an effort to continue to prepare for the next steps he will take in his career. Many of you that have followed his ministry or recently heard him speak in a service would like to know that for now he is taking a pause in fund raising. His ministry account is being held for future service as God may open those doors to him. We thank you all for your support and prayers for Jordan and we appreciate how you stand with our family and love us in such incredible ways. Continue to pray for Jordan and the future God is working on in him and through him. He desires to serve in soccer ministry and work on the border and we pray that he will be better equipped and ready for that work in the months that are ahead. Your prayers and giving are appreciated and we thankyou that we can believe God together for great things ahead. For this time, Jordan is working a substitute teaching position at a local middle school her in the greater Marion area. This will give him increased experience in the field of education and working with kids. Thank you for praying for Jordan and for loving our family as you do. We can not say thanks enough for all your love and support. It means the world to us. May God grant you much grace as you too, spring into ministry.
With grateful hearts,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952