Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Come on Ring Those Bells!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. We celebrated Christmas in Ohio with Ned's family last weekend. We had a wonderful time as our family gathered together again. Needless to say, we are so excited to be "Ama" and "Papa" to the greatest little girl, Rowen Elizabeth Hiser and we are very happy to say that her baby sister is expected some time the end of April 2019. We love being grandparents and realize it is a precious gift to us and a blessing from God to our hearts. Uncle Josh, Uncle Jordan, and Great Grandma McGrady (93) enjoyed our day with Jessica, Zac, and other family at Ned's brother and sister-in law, Jack and Naomi's in Rockbridge, Ohio.

After a busy day of Christmas celebration, Rowen was supposed to be sleeping in her bed but she came out and said "I can cuddle Papa?" So, well, that is what happened next! Oh, how we love that sweet girl and we know that she is a gift from God. We will spend Christmas proper in Palm Harbor, FL with Marlene's brothers Joel and Don and their families as well as her sister, Janette.

Our travels around the world continue as we made a trip to Mexico for the wedding of our long-time missionary, Chrissy Greenwell, to a pastor from Monterrey. It was very nice and had all of the traditional aspects of a Mexican wedding. We were reminded of 33 years ago when we, too, had some of those same Mexican traditions in our wedding.
Chrissy was a beautiful bride and we enjoyed lots of fun with our co-workers Mark and Serena Dunbar and Bill and Lydia Allshouse.  The photo booth provided us with loads of fun as we dressed up for photo shoots.
Jordan traveled with us to Mexico and served as an interpreter for Chrissy's family that had come from the States to the wedding. He commented that he used more Spanish in one weekend than he has used in the past year of his ministry on the Border. He continues to work to raise his funds to return to the field. He is just over 30% of the way funded and has several more places to visit and share about his missionary work. If you feel impressed to support Jordan please go to and you can sign up to support him. 

We are believing God for more supporters to join his team. Jordan be traveling to Biola University in California for a missions conference and will have services in Florida as well as Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana to continue to share his vision for ministry in McAllen, TX.

If you would like to meet with Jordan or have him speak to your church, Sunday School or Youth Group be sure and contact him at 517.395.0455 or

One of the highlights of this trip to Mexico was the opportunity we had to travel with the Dunbars to Sierra Hermosa for the inaugural service for the reopening of the first WGM Church of Mexico. The first church located on the original sight of the camp meeting had been closed for decades.

The founding Pastor, Solomon, had one wish that remained in his life. He had prayed that the church that was once alive and reaching the community with the Gospel of Jesus could be re-opened for ministry. The bell on top of the church building had not been rung for 30 years, but on this chilly December day, Pastor Solomon rang the church bell signifying the re-opening of the local church.
Many people gathered for the service and the Gospel was again preached from this location. Jordan, Marlene, and Ned shared with these folks, encouraging them with the faith that God has great things in store for this ministry. Pastor Solomon's son will be leading the ministry forward in the weeks to come. We are excited what God will do in through this church to help  reach this part of Mexico for Jesus.
God continues to give us some incredible opportunities to see His work being accomplished around the world. While we assumed we were going for a wedding, we found that God had an even greater purpose for us to experience while on this trip. He allowed us to see His church on the move and the impact of the Gospel reaching lives in greater ways. To God Be the Glory.
During this time of the year we often hear the song, "Come on Ring those Bells" and the Bell of the Iglesia Evangelica Mundial in Sierra Hermosa (the beautiful land) is again ringing with the Good New of Jesus.

We thank you so much for your part in this work. We are often reminded that your partnership with us in ministry through your financial gifts and prayers make this ministry possible. We thank you for being our Champions and for being in our Corner.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a most joyous New Year. May God grant you and your family His peace this Holy Season.

We love and appreciate you so much. Thank you for your support and prayers.

If you feel God would have you to invest in this ministry we invite you to where you can give a special year end gift to help keep our ministry vibrant and effective.

Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Directors of Member Health
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953

Friday, November 9, 2018

Call to help - Thoughts from Ireland

We are off to yet another church! It is a joy to visit our supporting churches and connect with ministry partners. We are so grateful for your partnership in this great work.
 Jordan has had the opportunity to speak asking for support for his missionary work on the Texas Mexico Border in McAllen, TX. Many of these churches recall hearing Jordan share about missions as a teenager and now as he prepares for missionary work.
In October we visited Christian Fellowship Center in Jackson, MI. This church has faithfully supported our family in mission work for over 10 years. Jordan shared with the congregation the opportunities he has had to impact Hispanic young people with the Gospel through teaching at Taylor Christian School and coaching soccer as well as his involvement in sports outreach in this community. We rejoiced as this mission minded church committed to support Jordan each month and helping him to spread the Good News. We praise God for the support from churches and individuals that have partnered with Jordan to raise the necessary funding to return to McAllen to continue his missionary work. He needs financial partners to help champion this cause and reach this needy area of the world. The Border is an area in great need and Jordan has answered the call to serve.
Would you consider supporting Jordan? God is at work and is using Jordan in a great way in McAllen, TX and he needs your support to get back to the ministry in McAllen that God has for him. Jordan needs your help with a monthly commitment of $50.00 from at least 60 people to reach his goal of returning to the field with World Gospel Mission.
WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO CONSIDER JOINING JORDAN'S TEAM OF SUPPORTERS? You can give do this on line and begin your support today!
 OR contact
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Marlene and I wanted to give you an update on our recent ministry visit to Northern Ireland. We had the honor of visiting our WGM UK missionaries, Tommy and LaVern Anderson. They have been serving Christ in the UK through taking work teams to Africa, Central America, and Europe. They are celebrating their 25th year with WGM and are effectively promoting missionary outreach throughout the greater Northern Ireland Area. Their hearts for the ministry and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an absolute inspiration. They have organized and lead countless mission trips engaging the church in the UK to reach the world for Christ.
 We had the honor of learning about their work, attending their church and investing in their lives and ministry during our visit. Tommy and LaVern are wonderful hosts and carry a great love for Jesus that radiates from their lives. We are honored to have them as part of WGM and the work they are doing around the world. We attended a meeting at one of the local Gospel Halls in the area. Tommy shared about a recent team he had taken to the Baby Center in Kenya as well as the Holiday Clubs (VBS) that they do at local African Gospel Churches in Kenya.  He shared his passion for these children, and the concern they have for more children to know Jesus. He recruited team members and financial and prayer support for the next team they are planning to organize in April of next year.

Our time in Northern Ireland also gave us the opportunity to complete a semester long counseling class in two weeks time.
We were in the classroom for a total of 75 contact hours and learned some new methods of counseling that we practiced, videoed and learned from. Marlene was able to get all of her continuing education requirements met for her licensure and Ned was able to get his for chaplaincy certification completed.
On the plus side of some long hours in the class room was the location where we were. Rostrevor, Northern Ireland is a beautiful place. Interestingly, Ned recently learned that he was 57% Irish and sure enough both of us felt at home there. The culture, the food, the experiences of being in Ireland sure had carried a home feeling. We enjoyed the experience of learning, the sights we saw and the opportunities for ministry that we were given. It truly was a beautiful place in God's creation.
We also learned that Rostrevor was the boyhood vacation destination for C. S. Lewis. He would spend holiday time in this beautiful area that literally inspired him to create and write about the land of Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia were an inspiration of imagination and deep spiritual symbolism that C.S. Lewis conceptualized during his boyhood years in this area of the world. At the top of the Cloughmore Trail was the area that Lewis would lookout over the water and envision the happenings of Narnia. The park at the base of this mountain has a Narnia Trail with scenes from the land of Narnia. You can enter the trail through the Wardrobe that you can see Marlene peeking around the door as we walked the Narnia trail. One of the special spots was coming up on the big wooden carved structure of Aslan. In the story Aslan is the savior of the land of Narnia. See Narnia never had Christmas and Aslan (Jesus) came to give Christmas to Narnia. Aslan moved throughout Narnia bringing hope. We are thankful that Aslan is still on the move today, changing lives and meeting needs around our world.
The Chronicles of Narnia are so fitting to the work we do as missionaries. It is natural for missionaries to experience that it is hard to come back. Re-entry shock and cultural shock happens just like it did when the characters, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy stumbled out of Narnia and back into the dusty wardrobe of their home. They were not the same people as they were before they went to Narnia and their experiences of this new land were difficult to understand, assimilate and process. The people they return to hadn't seen what they seen or experienced what they experienced. It was as though they no longer fit in to the life they came from and returned to. Transition is a reality to face and our missionaries need our support to do it well. Our work as missionaries is to help our missionaries do this well. Your part in our ministry and your support and prayers makes a huge difference. 
As we look forward to what is ahead we know that we have a great partnership with you our faithful friends. It is your prayers and your gifts that make our work go forward. And as our partnership includes Aslan, (Jesus) we can continue to make a difference in our work for the sake of the Gospel and the cause of Christ.

Please pray for us as we continue in our travels.

November 11, Village Hope Churches in Parma and Jackson, MI.
November 15 - 18, Mental Health in Missions Conference, Angola, IN.
November 21 - 25, Thanksgiving with family in Ohio
December 2, Lakeview Wesleyan Church, Marion, IN
December 6 - 11, Mexico field visit to our missionaries

Your prayers for our travels and the work God has given us to do is so appreciated. Also, please do not forget to join us in prayer for Jordan and the financial support that he needs to raise for his ministry.

We love you all and appreciate you so much!
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health
Missionaries with World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952


Monday, October 1, 2018

Sabbath Rest - Rest Well

This month we want to bring you our update by way of a video that was recently sent to our WGM Missionary workforce on the topic of Sabbath Rest. It gives you a good picture of our work and ministry with WGM and we are excited to share it with you this month.

Click Here


Special Prayer Requests for this month:

Pray for Jordan as he continues to build his team of supporters to serve on the Mexico Border. He is in need of supporters in prayer and financial giving to his ministry. Please prayerfully consider supporting him at

Pray for our next place of ministry as we travel to Northern Ireland October 9 - 29 and meet with our missionaries serving out of our UK WGM Office. We will also be taking a continuing education counseling course while on this visit.

We will be traveling together with Jordan to speak at Christian Fellowship Church in Jackson, Michigan the weekend of Oct. 7. CFC has stood with our family in a huge way throughout our ministry as missionaries. We are thankful for churches like this and people like you that pray and give to our ministry.

Thank you for you support,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
WGM Missionaries
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953

Thursday, September 13, 2018

McGrady Mission Ministry in Europe

Ned with the Landerholm' s
God is at work in Europe. We often recall from Church History and the Book of Acts that the church moved out into the world and reached into the greater European area. Over time the church seemed to take a back seat to the post-modern cultures and became post-Christian. World Gospel Mission is sending forth workers into this part of the world with missionaries serving in the UK, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Albania to call the church back.

WGM Europe Missionaries in Albania
During the month of August we traveled to Tirana, Albania for a conference and retreat with our WGM Europe based missionaries. We greatly appreciated the opportunity to be a part of this event and spend quality time investing in the lives of those whom God has called to serve in this part of the world. We had many opportunities to share in times of pastoral support, prayer, and counsel to our missionaries. Our teammates Greg and Teresa Leeth also went with us and we partnered together to work with 10 of our missionary kids through out the week. This gave the parents a chance to have some quality programing for their kids while they too were
Ned leading a seminar
able to take in some training. One of the highlights of our time together was the opportunity we had to share in deep and meaningful discussion about ministry. What a joy it was to hear our missionaries share their burdens and their concerns, express their joys and their victories and to be able to see that God really is up to something very exciting around the world. People around the world are coming to faith in Jesus Christ and WGM plays a big role in that effort. It is so exciting to be a part of something that is so much bigger than us and each one of you are a big part of this ministry. We never get tired of saying thank you for what you do. It is because of  your support and your prayers that we do this.
Marlene leading a discussion group
 Without you, our faithful partners in ministry, we simply can not do this work. Mission work is so important and God has called us as a couple to be the pastoral support to listen, to care, to pray for those whom God has called into missionary service. We marvel at how God has partnered us with you and with those whom He has called to do this work. We know that there is a world in need and we know that Jesus cares about every person, everywhere and we have the opportunity to meet that need. Thank you for helping us to make a difference and allowing God to use you in this ministry. We know that God is not yet done with Europe as a matter of fact, He has great plans to reach people with the Good News and we are blessed to be a part of this great cause. If you are interested in learning more about serving God around the world and where God may unite your passion with His heart - contact us!
WGM Missionaries
WGM Missionaries

WGM Missionary Kids are the best!

 What is next for the McGrady's in Ministry? 
September 19 - 21 Renewal with 13 M's at WGM
September 24 - 27 Training for new Missionaries
October 7 Christian Fellowship Jackson, Michigan
October 8 - 28 Ministry/training in N. Ireland  
Hanging out with missionaries! Great times!


We want to remind you about Jordan's ministry as a missionary to McAllen, TX. and encourage you to support him at
He is available for speaking in churches, small groups, SS Classes and Youth Group settings. Contact him at
 May God bless you,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Missionaries with World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952





Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summertime Ministry at WGM

Summertime Ministry at WGM is always a great time to invest in the lives of our missionaries. We spend many weeks of the summer welcoming back missionaries from their terms of service around the world as well as attending various training events and presenting many opportunities to help enrich the growth and development of our missionaries. God is doing some amazing work in the lives of our missionaries.
We have had opportunity to debrief and hear the stories of the victories won and the lives that have been transformed for Christ around the world. It is amazing what is happening around the world as God is at work and eternity is being impacted each and everyday. It is so wonderful to be a part of what lasts for eternity! A life changed by the power of Christ, a soul saved from the chains and bondage of sin and transformed to a hope for eternity. It doesn't get any better than that, and you are a part of it. Your support and prayers for the work we do counseling and pastoring our missionaries is increasing our impact for the Gospel. Now more than ever we must pray for more workers into the harvest field and for the enemy to be defeated. We love our missionaries! We love investing in their lives! We love hearing how Jesus meets them just at the point of need and time and time again He proves Himself faithful. To God be the Glory and thanks to you we together make a difference in the world.
It is through times of fellowship and times of sharing that we find God is enough for every circumstance. During the month of June we had a week long conference for all staff in the area. The week was entitled Work Hard, Rest Well and was a wonderful teaching to support the practice of Sabbath. Sabbath is a major emphasis we make at WGM. We know there is much to do and much to accomplish and we often focus on what is done, but the Sabbath teaching is a time to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.

Hey, for a fun little exercise, take a moment a pray this scripture dropping off one word each time you pray it. Ready? Take a deep breath! Here we go!


Just BE! Now that is where God wants us and that is where He wants you. We work hard so that we can rest well. We strive to work out of our rest instead of resting our of our work. We look at 24/6 as a goal for each week allowing that emphasis to be on Jesus and being in His presence. Sabbath means STOP and BE. Oh how we work to emphasize the rest - resting in the Lord.

During the month of July we had three weeks of work with our missionaries at WGM Marion. One of the coolest things for us was working with Jordan as he has returned from McAllen, TX to build his ministry team for support to return to the mission field on the border. We are so excited for Jordan and thank God for the growth we see in him for the things of God and the desire to serve Jesus through sports ministry and physical education through the Taylor Christian School and Taylor Community Center in McAllen, TX. He is busy making contacts and would love to speak with you and share one on one, in a Sunday School Class, Youth Service or even a morning service. He is passionate about his call to go and ready for folks to join his team. You can contact Jordan at or at 517.395.0455. If you already know you want to support him financially you can go to and sign up to support this ministry on the border. God is up to something really big and the border is a place where the love of Jesus is needed in a huge way! Won't you be a part! Contact him right away as he plans to return there in January 2019.

We want to thank you so much for your interest in this work. God has made missions the heartbeat of our hearts. We have had the privilege this year of being in Mexico, the Border, Uganda and Kenya and we know that you are the ones that have made this happen. You have prayed for us and you have supported us with your financial gifts and we are humbled with gratitude for your faithfulness. You are the testimony of God's faithfulness lived out through you. We remember when we were preparing to go to language school in Costa Rica in 2006 and Jordan was working with us to help raise support, he was 13 years old and he would speak at every church service. He said, "Thank you for your prayers they mean so much, but the last time I checked American Airlines did not accept prayer as payment for tickets." We would shake our heads, hold our breath and the congregations would burst out in applause! God has used you and your generous hearts to literally send us around the world in mission work. Thank you from our hearts for your faithfulness in giving and in praying. Your prayers are answered daily through the help God grants us to do this ministry.

On Monday we will be heading to Europe. We will stop off in Rome for a few days and will be joining Ned's brother and his wife who are long time supporters of ours, for a couple of days vacation to celebrate our 33rd anniversary with them. We will leave them there to fly on over to Tirana, Albania for a week long retreat for all of the WGM missionaries serving throughout Europe. We will have opportunity for great conversations, one on one time together as well as times of corporate learning and worship. It will be a tremendous time for us to do what we love to do, serve our missionaries. We return to Indiana on August 26.

We ask a sincere interest in your prayers as we gear up for travel to Europe. Pray for our travels to go well and for the opportunity to be a witness for Christ wherever we can and for us to have ears to hear the hearts of our missionaries and speak life to them.

Thanks you for you and remember BE!

Love and Prayers,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Birds of the Air

Matthew 6:26 New International Version (NIV)
26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Outside our back porch we have a Redbud Tree that became the home of a family of Robins this year. The nest was carefully placed on a large branch of the tree and you can see the mama Robin bringing some food to the mouths of some hungry babies. We watched these baby birds being cared for day after day and saw their needs being methodically met by a caring mama and caring papa. Pretty soon we saw them stretch out their wings and begin to push themselves up and out of the nest when one day the nest was empty and to our amazement the mama Robin was leading her babies around on the ground helping them to take flight and launch out of their nest and out on their own. We were amazed at how much care and concern we observed as these birds matured and went out on their own. It brought to mind Matthew 6:26 and just how much God cares for the birds of the air and how He feeds them. Watching this scripture play out every morning was a blessing to us and then as you look at the question in this verse, "Are you not much more valuable than they?" We were reminded just how much our heavenly Father cares for us and we want to remind you just how much our heavenly Father cares for you!

Rowen, our granddaughter, came over for a long weekend stay to visit with "Papa and Ama." We made sure that we fed the birdies. We thought about how much God cares for the birds of the air for each one of us. We noticed as well that the overflow from the food spilling from the feeder to the ground allows the rabbits and squirrels and bigger birds to enjoy the food and have their needs cared for as well. Often times it is in these small ways that God reminds us just how much he does care for each one of us. Often we benefit from stopping and pausing to reflect on how much our Heavenly Father cares. I hope that Rowen's example is a reminder to you today that you are loved and how much God loves you. You are His priceless treasure and you are the object of His care. Often times we have the opportunity in our work of encouraging our missionaries to remind them of these truths and every once in awhile it is great to allow the truth to be refreshed in our own hearts as we share that with others. Rowen is a sweet little girl and she is learning how to care for the birdies, just like Jesus does.
We wanted to let you know what we are up to these days in our ministry. Just yesterday we printed off our list of people who stand with us month after month in financial and prayer support. We thank you each one for being on that list. We are amazed each time we see your name and we are so thankful because you are taking care of the Great Commission. You are investing in our ministry at World Gospel Mission and that allows us the opportunity to pastor our missionaries serving Christ around the world. Your gifts and your prayers are key to this work and it is so very valuable to the work. We are excited to see more missionaries being called into the harvest field. At WGM we pray each day the Luke 10:2 challenge of asking that the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest field. We just appointed five new missionaries to serve in spreading the Good News to the world. We are always wanting more workers and would love to have any persons you may know that would be interested in answering the call to serve Jesus to contact WGM. We would love to speak with them and help to steer them to allow their passion to be united with God's call to reach the world for him.

One of the greatest answers to the 10:2 prayer has been for Jordan to respond to God's call and direction in his life. Last October 2017, Jordan went to McAllen, Texas to serve on the Border with our WGM missionaries. He has had an active year of teaching Physical Education at Taylor Christian School and coaching soccer in a community soccer league. The opportunities he has had to unite his passion in ministry have lead him to accept God's call to continue to serve. Jordan has been appointed by WGM to go full-time as a missionary to the Border. He will complete his volunteer service July 15 and head back home for various trainings and to begin his support raising to return to the Border. He has a goal of being back on the field by January 2019 when the second semester of school will start. Pray for Jordan as he takes this major step in ministry and prepares to serve in answer to God's call.

 We will continue to keep you informed on his ministry and help you to know how you can connect with him in prayer and financial support. The school is expanding and opportunities for ministry among the children on the border is a tremendous opportunity for the team that God has in place in McAllen, TX.
The Taylor Community Center is a wonderful outreach as well as the gymnasium is used for  more than school activities. This outreach into the community has amazing potential to influence people and help build healthy lives and provide opportunities to share the Gospel among the people of this part of the world. We are excited for what God is doing on the border and we know that God is at work there. We are beyond excited that Jordan is going to serve during these next two years to help realize God's work on the border. Jordan will be available for services, small group meetings, as well as he enjoys a chat over a cup of coffee! You can email him at or  if you'd like to schedule a meeting time with him.

We ask a continued interest in your prayers and we also would like to know how we can pray for you. Our partnership is made better as we pray for each other, so please email us and we'd love to connect with you. We also have some opportunities where we could come to speak in your church or small group. If you are interested in having us come and share an update with you in person, please let us know.

July will keep us here in Marion at WGM Headquarters. We have a very active month of ministry with our missionaries right after the July 4 holiday.

July 10 - 14 Orientation Camp - where we will train six new missionaries being sent out to the field. We have missionaries going to work among the Native Americans in Arizona, Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, Africa, and Heritage Christian School in Uganda, Africa.

July 18 - 20 Renewal - we have 15 missionaries and their children that will be coming in for a time of debriefing and renewal. Pray with us that we listen well to them and that God will help us to be ministers of encouragement to them.

July 23 -17 CMS - which is our strategy planning time that will assist missionaries in building their support teams and prayer teams through training in media, finances, and other coaching tools to help them get to the field. Jordan will be attending this training to launch his work as a missionary disciple.

August 5 - 8 - Travel out east to Pennsylvania and New Jersey/New York areas to meet with missionary contacts there.

August 13 - 26 - Travel to Tirana, Albania via Rome, Italy. We will stop off in Rome for a couple days and meet with two of our ministry partners and celebrate our 33rd Anniversary with them. We fly over to Tirana, Albania for our first WGM Europe Regional Retreat where we will be able to spend quality time with each of our missionaries serving in that region of the world.

Thank you again for standing with us. Your partnership is such a blessings. We hope to hear from you and cherish the blessing that each of you is our ministry and to our lives.

Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952


Friday, May 18, 2018

The GREATEST JOB in the Whole World!

Ned and Marlene at Sequoia National Park
We have landed back to the offices of World Gospel Mission, in Marion, IN - after several weeks of travels and ministry. We thank you so much for remembering us in your prayers and for you faithful support and financial giving for our ministry. The work at WGM continues to be on the move and we are advancing in growth and development of new ministry outreach around the world. It is exciting to see new missionaries and volunteers getting excited about the Great Commission and their part in helping to reach our world with the Gospel Message of hope and Good News. We are really excited about Jordan joining WGM full time this summer as he and 7 other potential candidates for service as missionaries will be coming to WGM for interviews and assessments for service. Jordan will be preparing to raise funds and build his support team. If you are interested in supporting him go to   .  You will be hearing more from Jordan in the weeks to come but if you want to bless him with a head start on fund raising that would be an encouragement for sure!

A break from training in Northern California

Recently we spent a week in Fresno, California for a continuing education training in becoming presenters for LIFO, a Life Orientations Survey, to help assess team work and functioning as a healthy team in ministry. We are excited to have this tool in our "ministry tool box" to offer our missionary teams as they serve around the world. Fresno is near to the beautiful Sequoia National Forest and Kings Canyon which we were able to take a day and enjoy. One highlight was the opportunity to visit Hume Lake Christian Camp which is a premier camp investing in the spiritual development of the youth. Our mentors and trainers from Link Care, Rev. Ken and Mary Royer were wonderful hosts and teachers for us during this week of learning.

During the middle of April we conducted a Renewal for 4 of our missionaries coming off of the fields of Kenya and the American Indian Field. It is always a joy for us to walk with our missionaries and to help them debrief their time of service, hear their hearts, pray with them and encourage them. We certainly have THE GREATEST job in the world. It is certainly true when the passion of your calling aligns with the job that you are doing and you are able to fulfill what you know God has called you to do. Perhaps God is calling you to serve Him? We have been praying Luke 10:2, "Jesus told them, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (NIV) We choose to pray this at 10:02 AM or PM each day. If you are sensing God voice, it may be in answer to this prayer. Contact us and we will point you in the direction to best help you fulfill that call. There is nothing like serving Jesus in that sweet spot of His calling on your life!

The Hopson's in Uganda
Uganda and Kenya in East Africa were on our travel log since we last wrote to you. I think we titled the last blog "Up, Up, and Away!" Well we were up in the plane for visits to our missionaries. While international travel has its challenges we are always thankful for God's hand of protection and care over us. We know for sure it is in answer to your prayers and we thank you. In Uganda we were hosted by Kenneth and Delight Hopson. Kenneth runs a print shop (pictured here) and this is the Word of God, translated in a tribal language and being printed and ready for shipment out to the nation of Uganda. The ministry they do in Uganda is exciting and this is just a snapshot of the many ministries associated with WGM around the world. We spent several days meeting with each of our missionary families and having encouraging prayerful visits together. While travel is work, being with our missionaries and loving on them, serving them and walking with them energizes our soul! Did I mention we have the GREATEST JOB in the whole world??

Kenya Field Retreat
We were on to Kenya for the Kenyan Field Retreat that was held down on the coast of the Indian Ocean. A wonderful time of fellowship, worship, playing together and praying together made up a week that was a blessing to our missionary family. Medical ministry makes up a huge part of the work of the Kenyan field, but it is not limited only to a hospital. There is ministry to orphans, church ministry, evangelism, community health and development, farming and agricultural training and much, much more. Kenya is a beautiful place and God is doing some amazing work there in and through World Gospel Mission. And us? Our part? Well, we get the honor of coming alongside of dozens of missionaries to pastor, love and support. Did I mention that we have the GREATEST JOB in the WHOLE WORLD?

Wanta be a part?

Love and Prayers,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
WGM Directors of Member Health
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952



Thursday, March 29, 2018

Up, Up and Away!

That is what is up with us this Easter! We will be UP, UP and AWAY, on an airplane that is. We fly out on Easter Sunday and arrive in Uganda to spend a week with our WGM missionaries serving there and sharing in their lives and ministries. We then fly over to Kenya and will be with our team at their annual retreat. Both of these opportunities are great times for us to continue our role of encouragement and support. We ask an interest in your prayers that we will listen well and love well while we have this chance to minister. Your prayers and financial support make this all possible thank you for your care and concern for this ministry. We simply could not do this with out both of those things.

If you want to pray for us we welcome that and depend on that so much. If you want to support us, your tax deductible gift to WGM is the means that makes it possible for us to go! is a secure on-line place to give a gift to Ned and Marlene and our ministry.

During the month of March we were able to visit the Texas Mexican Border in McAllen, Texas where Jordan is serving. Ned celebrated his birthday during that visit and we had some time to visit San Antonio where Jordan played in a basketball tournament for mission that raised money for a church mission trip to the Philippines.
We also had a couple of days on the beach to enjoy some time off. Our Border ministries are growing and Jordan is excelling in his work and ministry there at Taylor Christian School and the Taylor Community Center Sports Ministry. His ministry is dependent on your prayers and support as well. is a secure on-line place to give a gift to Jordan's ministry.

We will return from Africa and be back in the Marion area by April 16. We have a Renewal scheduled for April 25 - 27 with missionaries coming back from Africa and South America and then a week long training following that for our new missionaries. WGM continues to grow and the momentum for what God is doing in missions is building. WGM is expanding and people are being called into service. God is at work. WGM is up, up and away and we are so thankful you are on our team!

We ask an interest in your prayers as WGM continues to expand and for us as we do our best to serve the Lord in Kingdom work around the world. Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Easter Season.

Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952