After a busy day of Christmas celebration, Rowen was supposed to be sleeping in her bed but she came out and said "I can cuddle Papa?" So, well, that is what happened next! Oh, how we love that sweet girl and we know that she is a gift from God. We will spend Christmas proper in Palm Harbor, FL with Marlene's brothers Joel and Don and their families as well as her sister, Janette.
Our travels around the world continue as we made a trip to Mexico for the wedding of our long-time missionary, Chrissy Greenwell, to a pastor from Monterrey. It was very nice and had all of the traditional aspects of a Mexican wedding. We were reminded of 33 years ago when we, too, had some of those same Mexican traditions in our wedding.
Chrissy was a beautiful bride and we enjoyed lots of fun with our co-workers Mark and Serena Dunbar and Bill and Lydia Allshouse. The photo booth provided us with loads of fun as we dressed up for photo shoots.
Jordan traveled with us to Mexico and served as an interpreter for Chrissy's family that had come from the States to the wedding. He commented that he used more Spanish in one weekend than he has used in the past year of his ministry on the Border. He continues to work to raise his funds to return to the field. He is just over 30% of the way funded and has several more places to visit and share about his missionary work. If you feel impressed to support Jordan please go to and you can sign up to support him.
We are believing God for more supporters to join his team. Jordan be traveling to Biola University in California for a missions conference and will have services in Florida as well as Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana to continue to share his vision for ministry in McAllen, TX.
If you would like to meet with Jordan or have him speak to your church, Sunday School or Youth Group be sure and contact him at 517.395.0455 or
One of the highlights of this trip to Mexico was the opportunity we had to travel with the Dunbars to Sierra Hermosa for the inaugural service for the reopening of the first WGM Church of Mexico. The first church located on the original sight of the camp meeting had been closed for decades.
The founding Pastor, Solomon, had one wish that remained in his life. He had prayed that the church that was once alive and reaching the community with the Gospel of Jesus could be re-opened for ministry. The bell on top of the church building had not been rung for 30 years, but on this chilly December day, Pastor Solomon rang the church bell signifying the re-opening of the local church.
Many people gathered for the service and the Gospel was again preached from this location. Jordan, Marlene, and Ned shared with these folks, encouraging them with the faith that God has great things in store for this ministry. Pastor Solomon's son will be leading the ministry forward in the weeks to come. We are excited what God will do in through this church to help reach this part of Mexico for Jesus.
God continues to give us some incredible opportunities to see His work being accomplished around the world. While we assumed we were going for a wedding, we found that God had an even greater purpose for us to experience while on this trip. He allowed us to see His church on the move and the impact of the Gospel reaching lives in greater ways. To God Be the Glory.
During this time of the year we often hear the song, "Come on Ring those Bells" and the Bell of the Iglesia Evangelica Mundial in Sierra Hermosa (the beautiful land) is again ringing with the Good New of Jesus.
We thank you so much for your part in this work. We are often reminded that your partnership with us in ministry through your financial gifts and prayers make this ministry possible. We thank you for being our Champions and for being in our Corner.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a most joyous New Year. May God grant you and your family His peace this Holy Season.
We love and appreciate you so much. Thank you for your support and prayers.
If you feel God would have you to invest in this ministry we invite you to where you can give a special year end gift to help keep our ministry vibrant and effective.
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Directors of Member Health
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953