Friday, July 8, 2016

Falling into Praise!

Niagara Falls has always been a favorite place to visit. I can remember as a really young boy going to see the falls on a journey that I thought would never end, but when it did it was awesome to experience the beauty and the wonder of the falls. The long trip was soon upstaged by the roar of the waters tumbling over the rocky cliffs. The nights were enchanted by the colorful rainbows of the lights beaming rays of beauty through the thick mist. Rolling the clock forward a few years, here stands our adult sons, Joshua and Jordan pictured here taking in the beauty of a recent stop we made while traveling back from a family wedding in Massachusetts.
As I was thinking of the falls, looking at this picture, I was reminded of  the power of this water falls. From that water comes power in the form of electricity, but in the water there is power in the form of refreshment, beauty, and the awareness of God's creation. The Psalmist declares, "O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth." During this summer lets take a moment to pause and reflect on the majesty of God and praise His name together. We have much to be thankful for and much to praise Him for. I would suggest we pause even now and simply turn to Jesus and say, Thank you Jesus! You alone are worthy of our praise. Allow yourself the opportunity to fall into praise.
Marlene and I would like to praise the Lord with you. Not only are we thankful for family, our children, our granddaughter, our home, and all of the basic needs we have that God is so faithful to supply, but we are thankful for you. So many of you have had a significant influence in our lives, and you have made a significant contribution to our work and ministry and we are thankful for you. Many of you pray regularly for us and your prayers make a huge difference. Many of you give financially to support us in the work we do with missionaries. Your gifts have made our ministry with World Gospel Mission possible, and we are thankful for you. Many of you are part of churches that have included us in your missionary prayer focus, missionary giving and regularly remember us. We praise the Lord for all of you and thank you for your faithfulness to this ministry. Your prayers and support have been key to reminding us regularly that God has called and when He calls, He is faithful to provide all that we need. What an opportunity to fall into a time of praise.
During the month of June we traveled to Texas where we spent some time with some missionaries to hear their hearts and supporting them in their ministry. Debriefing and renewal are key components we bring to our missionaries that help them stay strong and continue on. We also traveled to Jackson, Michigan and spoke at Christian Fellowship Center, a faithful, loving, supporting body of believers and updated them on some of our recent travels in ministry this year. We also went to our home church, Trinity Wesleyan in Jackson, MI and participated in speaking and teaching at our Kid's Kamp with over 300 kids attending. A world famous juggler performed while sharing the Gospel and over 115 kids responded to receive Jesus as their savior during this event. The Angels in heaven were dancing - our hearts were too - and you know we fall in to praise to God for what He has done and because you were praying too.
The month of July has us staying close to WGM Marion as this a month of training and work with our missionaries right here. Just last night, the Sixth President of World Gospel Mission, Dr. Dan Schafer was installed into office. We are excited about the days ahead for WGM and we know that God has great things in store for reaching our world for Him. We invite you to continue to pray with us that WGM reaches it's full potential in serving Christ.
We ask an interest in your prayers next week July 10 - 15 as we conduct our Orientation Camp designed to prepare and send out missionaries to their fields of service. This camp we will work with missionaries going to both Uganda and Kenya. July 20 - 22 is our Renewal. We ask you to pray that we can listen well and love big as we work with 15 missionaries and 10 missionary kids during this time of debriefing and renewal. We want to hear their hearts and be an encouragement to them as they transition to home ministry assignments. Then we round off the month, July 25 - 28 with our CMS Training for new missionaries coming on board as they learn to build their support team and prayer team as they begin their work as missionaries. We end the month with speaking at Somerset Congregational Church in Somerset, Michigan on July 31.
These are important days. We thank God for His help and for the call we are answering together to make a difference in this world for Jesus.  Thank you Jesus!
Falling in to praise,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953
To support our ministry or for more info on us visit