As we move back from Memorial Day, we found our selves ministering to our missionaries on the American Indian Field. We were attending a Soul Shepherding Conference at Lake Arrowhead, California and spent the week in a time of spiritual formation and renewal. We often are asked how do you care for yourselves when you are so busy trying to care for so many missionaries. The answer is the same for us as it is for you, it is done very intentionally. This week of spiritual renewal was certainly an encouragement to us. One of the highlights for us was visiting the Joshua Tree National Monument.
From California we flew over to Phoenix, Arizona where World Gospel Mission has a number of missionaries serving among the Native American people groups. The beauty of this part of the world is spectacular and something amazing to behold. From the red rock formations to the unique canyons and valleys it is certainly a masterpiece of God's grand creation. Psalm 42 says "O Lord, O Lord how majestic is your Name in all the earth." Certainly the majesty of God and the beauty of His handiwork is evident. We were able to take in many of the sights and wonders as we traveled many miles in visiting our missionaries. The main hub for WGM is the Southwest Indian Ministries Center, in Phoenix. We gathered with our team of missionaries there and shared a time of fellowship around the table as we visited with them and heard their hearts for ministry among the Native American people. We travelled through the Navajo Reservation to Farmington, New Mexico where we met with our team of missionaries serving on that reservation. Many of the pictures above would be common sights along that journey. We heard about the dream our missionaries have for a community center to be built there so that they can expand their outreach to the children in afterschool programs and VBS type ministries. God is working in tremendous ways and His works are amazing to behold.
Just a seven hour trip back through the reservation and we were back to Phoenix. One of our stops along the way was Four Corners, NM, where we stood in four States at the same time. Marlene was in Colorado and Utah and Ned was in Arizona and New Mexico. It was then off for a three hour drive to Sells, AZ to the Tohono O'odham Reservation to visit the ministries of our missionaries working there. The highlight of this trip was to honor the service of out-going missionary, Dorothy Low. Dorothy has served the Native Americans for over 25 years and for the past 17 years, she has provided hospice care to families in need throughout the reservation. Dorothy poured her life and talents as a hospice nurse helping many with the comfort and love of Jesus during end of life situations. Ned represented WGM and read a tribute to Dorothy for her many years of faithful service and a number gathered in her honor. A traditional Native American song and dance was delivered in her honor, also and we joined in thanking Dorothy for her service. As we look ahead we find our summer full of trainings, debriefings, renewals, and opportunities to serve God here at the Marion, IN home office. We will travel to Texas, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in times of ministry to missionaries and or speaking in churches and promoting missions. Of course "Papa and Ama" will find a time to visit Mansfield, Ohio too.
If you would like to join us in praying for our ministry we always appreciate your prayers and support.
June 13-17- Visiting ministry in Texas
June 26- Speaking at Christian Fellowship Center, Jackson, MI
June 26-29 Speaking at Kids Kamp at Trinity Wesleyan Church, Jackson, MI
July 10-15 Orientation Camp for new missionaries being sent out
July 19-22 Renewal debriefing for missionaries coming back
July 24-29 Fund raising training and Champion building
July 31- Speaking at Somerset Congregational Church, Somerset, MI
August 8-12 Visiting ministry in Pennsylvania
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952