Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Champions Corner
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

December 2016

To our family and friends,
We bring you Christmas greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus our Immanuel, God is with us. As we share this Christmas letter with you, we pray that the Christ of Christmas will bless you with every good and perfect gift.
We have been reflecting on this year of travel in ministry with World Gospel Mission, and we are amazed at all the wonderful opportunities our partnership in ministry has allowed us to do together in reaching out to our world in Jesus’ Name. You have been a part of this awesome ministry, and God has worked through your prayers and financial giving.
This year, God has allowed us to minister in eight countries and nine states as we ministered and encouraged missionaries to 10 mission fields where WGM is sharing the life-changing message of hope in Jesus Christ. We have visited Paraguay, the Texas- Mexico Border, the American Indian Field, Kenya, and The Center in Stockton, California, Albania, Hungary, Ukraine, Uganda, and Peru. We held retreats, preached, taught, counseled, encouraged, prayed, and shared the hope of Jesus with folks around the world. God has certainly enlarged our ministry, and we thank you for being our encouragement as we have traveled tens of thousands of miles in ministry.
During our recent ministry visit to Europe, we were inspired by the picture here at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Budapest, Hungary, that depicts the Lion and the Lamb. The Lion of Judah is roaring with power, fighting our battles, and at the same time He is the Lamb of God that was slain for the sins of the world. He is our Lamb whose shed blood breaks the chains that sin holds on us.
What a wonderful blessing for us to realize that the Lion and the Lamb is our strength and defender this Holy Season.
We were able to carry that message of hope and encouragement this year as we ministered to missionaries around the world, and we are grateful to carry this message of hope to you, our champions. The Lion of Judah is fighting for you, too. He cares about all that you are going through. We trust you will reach out to the Lamb that cares enough to provide salvation, full and free.
While visiting in Albania, we had the opportunity to visit the city of Durres, where we visited an amphitheater dating to the 2nd century A.D. where early Christians were fed to the lions because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Albania has been a country where persecution has been known to Christians.
The collage below depicts Marlene with our missionaries Nathan and Cydil Waggoner as we read about the early Christians who were martyred in this very spot. Notice the opening above the lion’s den which provided a surround sound effect to the amphitheater seating for the roar of the lions to incite the crowds gathered.

It seemed to us that a theme was emerging as we made our travels from field to field: the Lion and Lamb, a contrast of God’s power and God’s great grace bringing a lost world to Himself. His grace was evidenced as we also spent time with our missionaries in Hungary and Ukraine. We were so blessed to see what God is doing through the ministries of these missionaries serving with WGM.
Left: Hungary missionaries: Top left, The Duls and family; middle left, Ned with Mark Landerholm; above right, Marlene with Meg Dul, Katy Beth Searls, and Eszti Landerholm
Ukraine missionaries: right, The Brower family; bottom middle, Oksana, Dennis, and Bill Brower, Ned and Marlene in front of the Opera House and YES! fresh roasted coffee.

Using everything from work amongst refugees to caregiving to orphans, from church ministries to educational classes, WGM missionaries are helping to share His grace and love with a lost world.

WGM is busy increasing it's impact around the world in new and fresh ways. Perhaps God has been speaking to your heart about serving cross-culturally in mission. WGM is always looking for persons that God is calling to be a part of His Harvest around the world.

Check out WGM's Web Site for opportunities at www.wgm.org
We have also greatly enjoyed the chances we have had to connect with many of you in your churches, homes, and various walks of life. You have been close to our hearts and in our prayers.
One of the greatest blessings we all share is family that we hold so dear. This year we entered into the world of Grandparenthood. On April 15, 2016, our daughter and son-in- law gave us a beautiful little girl who has stolen our hearts. It has been absolutely amazing to us to see the love explode for our precious little Rowen Elizabeth Hiser (with Santa).  It seems like whenever we are traveling stateside, our car seems to have to pass through Mansfield, Ohio. (We don’t know if you have any advice as to how we can control where our car goes or not, but it sure seems to end up in Mansfield every chance it gets!) Jessica and Zac are doing well in their jobs and being new parents. We are so proud of and thankful for them. Joshua lives in Lancaster, Ohio, and works with Home Depot, designing and selling kitchens around the greater central Ohio area. Jordan is living in Indianapolis and working for a tech company as well as continuing his interests in Spanish and cross-cultural work. This past March, he returned to Ecuador to help with a soccer camp and see the church we helped to plant. He also worked at WGM’s MK camp this summer.

We can't thank you enough for what you do in partnership with us in this ministry. Your prayers and your support make all the difference. Thank you from our hearts for your faithfulness. We count it a blessing to be in this together.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 
Ned and Marlene McGrady
6964 Mary Ct.
Marion, IN 46953
Ned 727.459.2966
Marlene 517.395.0315
For info on giving to our ministry

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Majestic Name of Jesus

Psalm 8 (of David; NIV84)

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and cowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is you name in all the earth!

Recently, we returned from a visit to our inner-city mission ministry in Stockton, California. God is working to help our missionaries there to make a difference in the lives of young people that would be destined to be a part of gang life. Jesus is making a difference in this inner-city work and our WGM missionaries are doing a great job of offering a lifestyle of love in Jesus' name. Since we flew into San Fransico on our visit, we took advantage of seeing the San Fransico Bay's famous Golden Gate Bridge and the notorious Alcatraz Island. We couldn't help but think of the ministry there in Stockton, as young men and women are receiving Jesus' love, learning that He is a bridge to eternal life, and that His ways will keep them from an imprisioned life of captivity.

In reflection on the majestic name of Jesus that the Psalmist writes about, these thoughts came to our minds as we journeyed together on this visit.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth." As we look out over the mountains surrounding the peaceful waters, we are awestruck at the beauty-beholding. Then we realize you have set your glory and your majesty even higher than the heavens we can see. Your majesty is greater than the beauty we can behold. From the lips of children and even infants yet to utter a word, you are given praise. Your ear is inclined, bent low to hear the praise, and even the rocks cry out in praise and the trees clap their hands, silencing the enemy and rendering the foe and avenger powerless. Your mighty hand and your outstreached arm deliever us from evil.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth." We see the movement of your finger as it majestically places the sun, moon, and stars in their courses aligned. And in all this beauty and your majesty, WHO ARE WE? How is it, Lord, that you are mindful of us? How is it possible, in all your splendour, rule, and reign, that you pause to care for us? How humbling for us to realize our place, lower than you, our master, and lower than your created angels that you have given charge over us. And yet you place on us a crown, you have chosen us with glory and honor.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth." You chose us and crowned us, a faliable, sinful people, made righteous by your selfless giving of life and your shedding of blood. Yes Lord, you crowned us with your righteousness and we stand in awe of you, Holy God. For you took your creation, the very works of your hands, the mountains, the seas, the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish in the sea, and you made us ruler of your creation and under our feet those things abide. We are drawn to you, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth." Thanks be to God and His unsearchable gifts. All glory and praise to His MAJESTIC NAME!

As you look out over the mountains surrounding the peaceful waters, may you find these truths fresh upon your heart. We ask an interest in your prayers as we again travel to minister to our missionaries  - this time in Europe.

October 31 - Tirana, Albania (Arriving Nov. 1) to visit Nathan and Cydil Waggoner and family serving in the village of Vlashaj with WGM and Planters Seed Foundation.
November 4 - Budapest, Hungary to visit Dan and Katy Beth Searls and family; Gabor and Meg Dul and family; Mark and Eszti Landerholm and family, serving with WGM in various ministries.
November 8 - Lviv, Ukraine to visit Bill and Oksana Brower and family serving with WGM in the town of Berdyansk.
November 11 - Tbilisi, Georgia to visit Shushan Richardson serving with WGM in partnership with LLC International University English Language program.
November 14 - We begin our long trip back to Indiana through Amsterdam and Detroit.

We have a quick turn-around time to get to our Mental Health in Missions Conference at Pokagon State Park in Angola, Indiana, November 16-20. This conference is a highlight for us as we gather with over 100 like-minded member care persons serving missionaries around the world.

As always, we are mindful of your support and prayers. As you give to our ministry and as you pray for us, we are encouraged to continue to help serve our missionaries around the world. Thank you for your faithful giving.

In His Majestic Name,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Member Health Directors
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952


Friday, September 2, 2016


47 MILES TO E FUEL LEVEL LOW came on our car as we traveled back from speaking at Pathways Community Church in Jackson, Michigan last Sunday, August 28.
We just finished sharing about our ministry as pastors and encouragers to our missionaries and there came the message FUEL LEVEL LOW.
How is your fuel level today? It is good to take a look at spiritual and emotional tanks and take note of what is in reserve and stop for a rest and a refill.  
Marlene and I spend our time in ministry day after day helping to re-fuel our missionaries and keep them running for the long haul. Cross-cultural work is never easy and pouring out to others in ministry in another language, or an unfamiliar location can certainly cause the fuel levels to run low. Traveling to another country and culture can have stressful results.
We work together with our Member Health Team at World Gospel Mission to help relieve the stressors of missionary life and work and to encourage the re-fueling of the heart and soul. The word Sabbath has become an important word to emphasize. Sabbath means, "stop,  rest, time out" and that is a word we would like to share with you today. God longs to draw close to you and to minister to your heart and soul and as a matter of fact He promises that when you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. In that relationship God restores your soul and replenishes your tank and allows you the spiritual and emotional energy you need to continue on in deepening that relationship.
The statement "Work out of our rest, not rest out of our work" is something that means a lot to us. This quote is closely tied with Creation. God worked for 6 days to create everything and speak it into existence, that which never before was. The Bible tells us that the last creation was Adam and then on 7th day God rested and turned the creation over to Adam. Adam's first day, was God's 7th day, a day of REST. Sabbath rest, means to set aside time to be with the loving heavenly Father, so that re-fueling and refreshment can come and it is possible to "work out of our rest, not rest out of our work."
It is great for Marlene and I to remind ourselves of this truth. We can get busy in the work just like you our supporters and prayer partners. We can get busy in the work just like our missionaries, pastors and church leaders. The fuel level can get low and when the warning light comes on, take notice. Listen to your soul, draw near to the One who loves you and cares for you and know that God is with you. Re-fuel your tank in His presence and give yourself time to allow God to minister to your heart. He longs to spend time with you.
Next week we have the honor to work with a dozen of our missionaries coming from around the world everywhere from Kenya to Bolivia and places in between for some days of refreshment and renewal. Please pray for our Member Health Team as we pour into our missionaries and encourage them through this time of debriefing and renewal. Please pray for our Member Health Team as we transition our co-workers Frank and Sharon Martin into retirement and we continue to minister to our missionaries around the world. Please pray for our newest members of our team Greg and Teresa Leeth as they work with us and Mike Banks as he ministers to our missionary kids.
 As you pray for our ministry we have some travels that are coming up in the near future and we would ask you to remember us as we make plans to visit some of our mission fields. Here are some of the events:
Renewal  - Sept. 7 - 9 at WGM Marion, IN
Team Building Training - Sept. 12 - 15 at WGM Marion, IN
Travel to California to visit missionaries - Sept. 21 - 26
Europe Travel to Albania, Hungary, Ukraine and Georgia  - Oct. 31 - Nov. 14
Travel to Peru for South American Regional Retreat -  Dec. 30 - Jan. 8
Your prayers and your financial support are vital to our ministry and we never want to forget to say "Thank you" for your partnership in this work. You are our champions in this cause and we thank God for each of you. We hope and pray that your tank will be full...full of God's love and care as you continue to serve Him.
In Christ,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
WGM Directors of Member Health,
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952

Friday, July 8, 2016

Falling into Praise!

Niagara Falls has always been a favorite place to visit. I can remember as a really young boy going to see the falls on a journey that I thought would never end, but when it did it was awesome to experience the beauty and the wonder of the falls. The long trip was soon upstaged by the roar of the waters tumbling over the rocky cliffs. The nights were enchanted by the colorful rainbows of the lights beaming rays of beauty through the thick mist. Rolling the clock forward a few years, here stands our adult sons, Joshua and Jordan pictured here taking in the beauty of a recent stop we made while traveling back from a family wedding in Massachusetts.
As I was thinking of the falls, looking at this picture, I was reminded of  the power of this water falls. From that water comes power in the form of electricity, but in the water there is power in the form of refreshment, beauty, and the awareness of God's creation. The Psalmist declares, "O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth." During this summer lets take a moment to pause and reflect on the majesty of God and praise His name together. We have much to be thankful for and much to praise Him for. I would suggest we pause even now and simply turn to Jesus and say, Thank you Jesus! You alone are worthy of our praise. Allow yourself the opportunity to fall into praise.
Marlene and I would like to praise the Lord with you. Not only are we thankful for family, our children, our granddaughter, our home, and all of the basic needs we have that God is so faithful to supply, but we are thankful for you. So many of you have had a significant influence in our lives, and you have made a significant contribution to our work and ministry and we are thankful for you. Many of you pray regularly for us and your prayers make a huge difference. Many of you give financially to support us in the work we do with missionaries. Your gifts have made our ministry with World Gospel Mission possible, and we are thankful for you. Many of you are part of churches that have included us in your missionary prayer focus, missionary giving and regularly remember us. We praise the Lord for all of you and thank you for your faithfulness to this ministry. Your prayers and support have been key to reminding us regularly that God has called and when He calls, He is faithful to provide all that we need. What an opportunity to fall into a time of praise.
During the month of June we traveled to Texas where we spent some time with some missionaries to hear their hearts and supporting them in their ministry. Debriefing and renewal are key components we bring to our missionaries that help them stay strong and continue on. We also traveled to Jackson, Michigan and spoke at Christian Fellowship Center, a faithful, loving, supporting body of believers and updated them on some of our recent travels in ministry this year. We also went to our home church, Trinity Wesleyan in Jackson, MI and participated in speaking and teaching at our Kid's Kamp with over 300 kids attending. A world famous juggler performed while sharing the Gospel and over 115 kids responded to receive Jesus as their savior during this event. The Angels in heaven were dancing - our hearts were too - and you know we fall in to praise to God for what He has done and because you were praying too.
The month of July has us staying close to WGM Marion as this a month of training and work with our missionaries right here. Just last night, the Sixth President of World Gospel Mission, Dr. Dan Schafer was installed into office. We are excited about the days ahead for WGM and we know that God has great things in store for reaching our world for Him. We invite you to continue to pray with us that WGM reaches it's full potential in serving Christ.
We ask an interest in your prayers next week July 10 - 15 as we conduct our Orientation Camp designed to prepare and send out missionaries to their fields of service. This camp we will work with missionaries going to both Uganda and Kenya. July 20 - 22 is our Renewal. We ask you to pray that we can listen well and love big as we work with 15 missionaries and 10 missionary kids during this time of debriefing and renewal. We want to hear their hearts and be an encouragement to them as they transition to home ministry assignments. Then we round off the month, July 25 - 28 with our CMS Training for new missionaries coming on board as they learn to build their support team and prayer team as they begin their work as missionaries. We end the month with speaking at Somerset Congregational Church in Somerset, Michigan on July 31.
These are important days. We thank God for His help and for the call we are answering together to make a difference in this world for Jesus.  Thank you Jesus!
Falling in to praise,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46953
To support our ministry or for more info on us visit www.wgm.org/McGrady

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

From East to West

 This month in our Champion Corner we want to bring you up to date on our whereabouts and all the wonderful blessings and opportunities we have had in our work and ministry. On April 15 we became the proud grandparents of Rowen Elizabeth Hiser. Zac and Jessi have blessed us with a beautiful baby girl whom we are head over heals in love with. Rowen traveled over Memorial Day weekend (with the help of her parents) to Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts for Ned's niece's wedding. It was a wonderful time to be together as family. We enjoyed visiting our kid's pediatrician, Dr. Kaselis, who met us for brunch. She took care of Jessi as a toddler. Great Grandma McGrady is enamored with Rowen as is the rest of the family. She is such a precious gift from God. Our entire family was able to attend the wedding and it was a wonderful time of celebration for all of us. A couple of highlights were Ned was able to be with his siblings and their families for the first time in a long time and the opportunity to represent the family in part of the wedding ceremony. We certainly enjoyed that time together as family and the break from our many travels in missionary service.
As we move back from Memorial Day, we found our selves ministering to our missionaries on the American Indian Field. We were attending a Soul Shepherding Conference at Lake Arrowhead, California and spent the week in a time of spiritual formation and renewal. We often are asked how do you care for yourselves when you are so busy trying to care for so many missionaries. The answer is the same for us as it is for you, it is done very intentionally. This week of spiritual renewal was certainly an encouragement to us. One of the highlights for us was visiting the Joshua Tree National Monument.
From California we flew over to Phoenix, Arizona where World Gospel Mission has a number of missionaries serving among the Native American people groups. The  beauty of this part of the world is spectacular and something amazing to behold. From the red rock formations to the unique canyons and valleys it is certainly a masterpiece of God's grand creation. Psalm 42 says "O Lord, O Lord how majestic is your Name in all the earth." Certainly the majesty of God and the beauty of His handiwork is evident. We were able to take in many of the sights and wonders as we traveled many miles in visiting our missionaries. The main hub for WGM is the Southwest Indian Ministries Center, in Phoenix. We gathered with our team of missionaries there and shared a time of fellowship around the table as we visited with them and heard their hearts for ministry among the Native American people. We travelled through the Navajo Reservation to Farmington, New Mexico where we met with our team of missionaries serving on that reservation. Many of the pictures above would be common sights along that journey. We heard about the dream our missionaries have for a community center to be built there so that they can expand their outreach to the children in afterschool programs and VBS type ministries. God is working in tremendous ways and His works are amazing to behold.
Just a seven hour trip back through the reservation and we were back to Phoenix. One of our stops along the way was Four Corners, NM, where we stood in four States at the same time. Marlene was in Colorado and Utah and Ned was in Arizona and New Mexico.  It was then off for a three hour drive to Sells, AZ to the Tohono O'odham Reservation to visit the ministries of our missionaries working there. The highlight of this trip was to honor the service of out-going missionary, Dorothy Low. Dorothy has served the Native Americans for over 25 years and for the past 17 years, she has provided hospice care to families in need throughout the reservation. Dorothy poured her life and talents as a hospice nurse helping many with the comfort and love of Jesus during end of life situations. Ned represented WGM and read a tribute to Dorothy for her many years of faithful service and a number gathered in her honor. A traditional Native American song and dance was delivered in her honor, also and we joined in thanking Dorothy for her service.
As we look ahead we find our summer full of trainings, debriefings, renewals, and opportunities to serve God here at the Marion, IN home office. We will travel to Texas, Michigan, and Pennsylvania in times of ministry to missionaries and or speaking in churches and promoting missions. Of course "Papa and Ama" will find a time to visit Mansfield, Ohio too.

If you would like to join us in praying for our ministry we always appreciate your prayers and support.

June 13-17- Visiting ministry in Texas
June 26- Speaking at Christian Fellowship Center, Jackson, MI
June 26-29 Speaking at Kids Kamp at Trinity Wesleyan Church, Jackson, MI
July  10-15 Orientation Camp for new missionaries being sent out
July 19-22 Renewal debriefing for missionaries coming back
July 24-29 Fund raising training and Champion building
July 31- Speaking at Somerset Congregational Church, Somerset, MI
August 8-12 Visiting ministry in Pennsylvania

Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952