October 14, 2014
On Wednesday, Oct. 15, we will be flying from Indianapolis to Kenya, where we will be actively involved in ministry along with our co-workers, Frank and Sharon Martin. We will be ministering for 12 days among our nearly 50 missionaries plus children in their places of work, ministries and homes. Tenwek Hospital is a thriving medical center in the nation of Kenya. This full-service hospital is one of the largest mission hospitals in existence. It will be a real joy to meet the nurses and doctors, both missionary and national, and with our medical background (Marlene as a nurse and Ned as a chaplain), this will be an exciting adventure for us. Many of you would know that Ned served as the Manager of Pastoral Care at Allegiance Health System in Jackson, Michigan for over 10 years, before returning full-time to missionary work. A highlight of this trip will be to round with the Tenwek Hospital Chaplains and see their training program. We will be meeting with each of our missionaries, participating in several seminars on Sabbath Rest, Prayer, and Transition to name a few. We have a very important training session on Member Care with the mission leadership of the African Gospel Church as they begin to develop their Member Care for the Kenyan missionaries serving in other parts of the country. We ask an interest in your prayers as we have these important meetings and are fully engaged in pastoral care, counseling, and ministry. We will also have a chance to visit the baby center and several of WGM's mission stations. (We even get to go on a mini-safari.)
On Oct. 26 we will fly from Nairobi to Kampala, Uganda where we will be excited to see the work and ministry of our nearly 30 missionaries plus children serving in various WGM ministries as well as the work of Heritage International School. We will have an opportunity to share in ministry, counseling, and pastoral care among our WGM missionaries serving Christ in this nation. We are asking for your prayers for us as we are introduced to this country and the creative ways in which Christ is being proclaimed in this country.

On Nov. 9 we return back to the USA. Many of our prayer team and supporters have expressed concern about the dangers of illness and disease as we travel. We believe that it is safe for us to travel and believe that we are doing what God has called us to do. With that said, we also know that we need your prayers very much. We will be in East Africa which is very far away from the main threat of Ebola virus in West Africa. Please pray for this virus to be controlled and people to be spared from the suffering from this terrible virus.
Please pray for traveling favor as we have long flights many connections and much travel ahead by air, as well as on the road and by train. We covet your prayers for God's mercy as we travel these many, many miles.
Please pray for each of the sessions, seminars, sermons, etc., that we will have God's direction and wisdom as we seek to be Jesus to our missionaries and to the nationals that we come in contact with.
Please pray for Marlene's mother, Mary Post. She was diagnosed with Renal Failure just yesterday and must immediately go on dialysis. It is difficult for us to travel this extensively knowing that family in Florida have to undergo this type of treatment. Pray for our family.
Praise note - On Friday, October 10, Marlene passed the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination for Indiana. She will now receive her full licensure in the state of Indiana. The almost 4-year battle has been won. We are so thankful for this and say Glory to God!!
Praise note - We are very thankful for each one of you. Our ministry depends on your gifts and your prayers. What we do is not possible with out your partnership with us. We like to think of you as our Champions - you help us win for the things that are eternal. We love and appreciate you each one.
May the blessings of our Lord be yours today.
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Directors of Member Health, Missionary Pastor, Counselor
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
To support our ministry go to www.wgm.org/McGrady