Thursday, July 31, 2014

Crisis Response to Nigeria

Thank you …….

 For praying for us and supporting us in this ministry. We are grateful to God for your prayers and financial giving that makes it possible for us to do this ministry.

The month of July has taken us to Bolivia for the South American Region Retreat as well as WGM Marion, for Orientation Camp with 9 new missionaries being sent out. Last week we completed our summer ‘Renewal’ at WGM with 20 missionaries (26 kids) returning from the field. These are great days in ministry and we thank you for being a part of our team. We are currently in Colorado for a Child Protection/Safety Network training until Friday, Aug. 1.

Please pray……

On Saturday, Aug. 2 we will be flying to Lagos, Nigeria to respond to two of our single, female missionaries who were accosted, robbed and threatened at gunpoint last week. This emergency trip will enable us to do an official Debriefing per World Gospel Mission’s Crisis Incident Stress Management Protocol and help to ensure the safety and well-being of our missionaries serving there. Among other areas of the world, Nigeria is experiencing safety issues and we are in need of prayer as we work with leaders there. We are thankful that God has spared our missionaries from life threatening injury but we know the emotional and physical trauma has been challenging to Shelley and Jennifer. They need our prayers.

You can read the missionaries thoughts on this crisis event at their BlogSpot 

Please pray for us as we minister in Nigeria next week. We need God’s wisdom as we seek to be His hands, His feet, and His voice. We ask that you pray for safety as we travel. We are taking replacement electronics into the country and praying for smooth passage. We have received our VISA’s for travel and we praise God for answering that prayer. We are trusting the Lord (Prov. 3:5 -6).

We will spend 3 days with our missionaries in a Safe House, and then accompany them to their homes to assist in re-entering and working with leaders to assure their safety. We will be debriefing some of the leaders of the West African Theological Seminary as that community is shocked by this event.

We return to the States on August 8, where we continue another week of home ministry in Nebraska and South Dakota. We fly to Detroit on August 13 to return to WGM in Marion, IN.

We ask an interest in your prayers. We are so thankful that God has led us to WGM and this important work. We trust that you feel your investment in us is accomplishing God’s purposes. We believe it is and we know that it is only because of you, our Champions, that this is possible. Thank you so much!

Ned and Marlene McGrady,
Director Member Health/Missionary Pastors
World Gospel Mission
 Box 948,
Marion, IN 46952  765-664-7331



Thursday, July 17, 2014

South American Regional Conference/Retreat

South American Regional Conference/Retreat
July 2014
We had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Santa Cruz,Bolivia on the 4th of July, where we gathered with this group of 40 plus missionaries who are serving in Peru, Argentina, Paraguay as well as Bolivia. What a joy it is for us to serve as pastors and counselors to this wonderful group of people. We are so amazed by the quality of servants that God has sent around His world to share His love.
We spent quality time being challenged in our faith that God has given us a powerful story to tell to the nations. It is God's story, and it has the ability to transform individual lives, lift communities out of poverty and build nations that are free, compassionate and just. As a group we learned more about telling the  whole breath and depth of the transforming story. We are so grateful that the power of Christ changes lives not only for eternity, but also in the here and now. We celebrate God's story and are a part of sharing His story to the nations.
These missionaries, pictured above, combined with about 200 others makes up the World Gospel Mission Family dedicated to changing our world for Christ. We are privileged to serve as Pastors to Missionaries, to encourage, counsel, train and equip these wonderful servants as they go out into all the World. We love our work! We love what God has called us to do and we believe we have the GREATEST job on earth. It is a joy to invest in these people and have a part in their lives and ministry.
This week we have been in Orientation Camp with 9 new missionaries readying to be sent out to Kenya, Uganda, Japan, Honduras, Mexico and Bolivia. Next week we will be welcoming home 18 missionaries and their families in a time of Renewal and debriefing,  as they prepare for Home Ministry Assignments in the USA. Our scope of ministry is growing and we are excited about these opportunities.
Our job is equally as rewarding when we realize that God has partnered us with you, and together WE are making a difference. Thank you for your faithful giving to our ministry and for your on-going prayers and support for all we do. Your support for us is phenomenal, we want to be there for you too. Please email us at - we'd love to hear from you and know what we may do to pray for you.
Our Schedule coming up:
July 18 - Marion, IN - Concludes Orientation Camp for new missionaries
July 23 - 25 Marion, IN - Renewal, debriefing and re-entry for returning missionaries
July 26 - Aug. 1 - Colorado Springs - Child Protection Safety Workshop
Aug 1 - 13 - Home Ministry visits to supporters in KS, NB, SD
Thank you so much for all you do for us. We are humbled by your involvement and appreciative of your support of this ministry. 
May the Lord Bless You Greatly,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952