Dear Friends
and Loved Ones,
We wish you
a wonderful holiday season. Christmas is upon us and all of the possibilities
of a New Year are just around the corner. We are excited for all that God is
doing in our lives and in our partnership in ministry with all of you. We want
to recap our year of ministry for you.
As we reflect back on 2013 we see it has been a year of triumphs and
challenges, joys and sorrows, but we have sensed God with us each step of the
way. And we know the prayers and support of our Champions in this work have
made all the difference. We are so thankful for each one of you. We know you have
been a part in all that God has helped us to accomplish. We invite you to give
thanks with us for God’s faithfulness on this journey.
In January
of this year we were privileged to travel to Phoenix, Arizona where we lead a retreat
for World Gospel Mission missionaries serving the Native American people in
Arizona and New
Mexico. Southwest
Indian Ministries is reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through
medical work, church planting, youth camp ministries and education.
We ministered in a church and a nursing home on the Tohono O'odham Reservation in Sells, AZ and spent time watching missionary teachers and nurses in action as well as sharing in times of prayer and fellowship with our missionaries during retreat time. It was a tremendous blessing to invest in the lives of these great servants. We returned to WGM Headquarters in Marion, IN for a Renewal retreat with our missionaries coming off of the field on to their home ministry assignment. It is an opportunity to encourage and speak into their lives as they make the transition from ministry abroad to ministry in the USA. Later that month we traveled to Paraguay where we once again were able to lead a retreat and spend one on one time with our amazing missionaries. From the ministry in Asuncion’ to the far reaches of the indigenous people of that country, our WGM missionaries are carrying the Gospel through church planting, language acquisition, education and art. Ned had an opportunity to preach at one of our churches and we enjoyed learning the scope of outreach happening in that part of the world. It was wonderful to reconnect with missionaries we already knew and it was a joy to get to know others. God is doing some amazing work in Paraguay and we were privileged to encourage and minister to this wonderful team. We tacked on a visit to Bolivia our neighboring field and that stretched our time there into February. This was our second visit to Bolivia and it is always wonderful to see the mature work of the WGM Bolivia Field. Ministries there are flourishing under through a variety of live changing ministries taking place throughout that country. The national church is mature and growing and the missionaries are responding to the next steps they feel that God has for them as they continue to reach that country for Christ. We held a mini staff retreat for the missionaries there as they embraced their vision to reach out to the younger generation that so desperately needs the hope of Christ for their future.
It was exciting to connect with our team of WGM Missionaries that are
currently on the border as well as the team that is working in Mexico. Again we
saw the best missionaries doing all that they can through education, church
planting and sports ministry to reach the people. We visited Taylor Christian
School and Community Center in McAllen, Texas. We followed that with a retreat
on South Padre Island where we gathered together with all of the missionaries
from the Border and Mexico for a precious time of worship, sessions and
fellowship. June filled up fast with our Field Directors Retreat as we worked
together to plan and strategize for ministry through World Gospel Mission over
the next couple of years. God met with us in a marvelous way as we sensed His
leading for reaching our world with the Good News. July gave us the opportunity
to have another Renewal retreat for our missionaries coming home for ministry
in the states as well as a chance for our son Jordan to join us for a ministry
visit to El Salvador and Honduras. For more than a half of a century, WGM has
been investing in the lives of people in that area of the world. The Great
Commission in .jpg)
Matthew’s Gospel is truly being lived out not only changing the
lives of people for eternity but in the here and now.
In September
our family enjoyed a week at Lake Michigan where we were excited to witness the
engagement of our daughter, Jessica to Zac Hiser on September 19th. We are
looking forward to their wedding in March. We had a chance to catch up with our
oldest son, Joshua who is working for Walters Buildings as a district sales and
construction manager with a territory covering most of central Ohio. (GO
BUCKEYES!) Jordan lives with us and continues with his studies in his junior
year at Indiana Wesleyan University where he is majoring in Business and
Marketing with a minor in Spanish. In our spare time Marlene teaches a Pastoral
Counseling Practicum at IWU and counseling students preparing for ministry per
University requirements.
On October 4th, we received word that
Marlene's dad had passed away. She was thankful for the week she was able to
spend with her parents just the month before and we were all moved by the
beautiful services honoring his life, including a military graveside service.
He was a great man who loved his Lord and his family and will be sorely missed.
In addition
to our ministry travels, numerous retreats and opportunities to share Christ
love we are once again reminded that we do not do this work alone. Emanuel, God
is with us and Christmas is the time of the year where we can be reminded that
Jesus has come as the hope for this world. As we travel from church to church
from Kansas to Florida from Michigan, Ohio or Indiana; to the utter most parts
of the world we are reminded that this is the message we have to share.
So, as you
can see, we are never bored. Life can be interesting for us, but we love the
journey we are on. And we are ever mindful of your part in what we do. Every
life we touch is because of your love and support. And if you think of the
thousands of lives our missionaries touch, your part is far reaching. So thank
As you
gather together with your loved ones over this holiday season, remember to be
Thankful for all God has done and provided for you and yours and remember that
He truly is the Reason for the Season!
Christmas and Happy New Year,
and Marlene McGrady
to Missionaries, Directors of Member Health
Gospel MissionBox 948
Marion, IN 46952
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