We had the privilege of witnessing some of the advances taking place in God's Kingdom during the past few weeks in two of the nations in Central America while serving as Pastors to Missionaries and supporting the care and encouragement of our World Gospel Mission missionaries.
It was our joy and privilege to see first hand that many individuals have seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ transform their lives by faith, having experienced the Kingdom changing the culture and providing for some very practical needs of people within their communities.
Our missionary visit began in Juacapa, El Salvador at the clinic we partner with for community transformation. A church has also been started in that city, reaching that area for Christ. Field leaders David and Debbie Hawk have worked the past 8 years in partnersip with the King foundation to establish this clinic to treat the medical needs of the people of this area.
WGM also supports a vocational school in Choluteca, Honduras. Here we found practical tools being taught to young men and women, changing lives emotionally, socially, physically, all in the name of Christ as the Gospel is presented a community is transformed.

One of the more moving experiences we had on this visit was the ministry we found at "AFE" (Amor, Love, Fe,Faith, Esparanza, Hope) where children are cared for during the day as their parents are eeking a living out of the dump in the capital city of Tegucigulpa. Food, childcare, education and life transformation are given in ministry and outreach to these children. A school provides them an education, and the whole person is being ministered to...community transformation happening in a working relationship with Pastor Joeny and WGM! Heart moving ministry!

We thank you, our faithful supporters and prayer partners. Your partnership in this vital ministry makes this work possible. As you can see, our investment in the spiritual and emotional health of our missionaries impacts the work that is being done in positive and effective ways. As you stand with Marlene and I, we stand with our missionaries and by God's help lives are changed and communities are transformed.