"Look WHO is in the boat," became the unoffical theme of our recent retreat with the Texas Mexico Border and Mexico Missionaries serving with WGM. Marlene and I had a wonderful opportunity to visit there this past month and God blessed our time there in some amazing ways. It is absolutely wonderful to be in the center of God's work and what He wants to do in the lives and hearts of missionaries faithfully serving His cause around the world. We really do have the greatest job in the whole world! Encouraging missionaries and seeing the Gospel spread through a ministry of encouragement.
We saw God was in the boat in the middle of dry, hot Laredo, Texas. We saw the fruits of our labors from our time of service there as missionaries 25 plus years ago. As we met with former students of Chrisitan Union Institute we heard testimonies of how God has been faithful to walk with them through the ups and downs of life to carry them through as they learned how to place their faith and trust in His care. Former students and teachers gathered in front of our school chapel for a time of reunion. What a blessing to see God's faithfulness displayed. He showed up in Laredo!
We visited the radio station of KBNL where one of our former students, Rosie Rabel, is serving Christ full time as a missionary. We heard testimony of Christ's faithfulness in lives .What a tremendous time of blessings.
We headed on down the border with stops at ministry spots along the way in San Ygnacio, and Zapata, Texas where we often visited and pastored. We had a few days to visit Taylor Christian School and Taylor Community Center in McAllen, Texas. During our time there, we learned of the tremendous ministry that is taking place to change the lives of students through education and spiritual impact as well as outreach through soccer sports ministry and community outreach.
The remainder of our time was spent at South Padre Island where we met for several days of retreat and renewal for our missionaries. There was time for prayer, reflection, instruction and listening to the voice of God speak. Worship times where rich with God's presence and prayer times were enjoyed as we saw that through it all, Jesus can be found right in the boat with us. In the midst of every storm, there is the promise of His presence with us!

During one of our family devotional times, Marlene was leading the group and provided an object lesson for the missionary kids. She had them write on a coffee filter with a yellow highlighter all of the sins they could think of. When their list was complete they brought them to the table and we sprinkled lemon juice on them and the sins disappeared! During that devotional to teach the kids of the blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all sin, little 2 year old Edson exclaimed, "It's Clean!" Wow! God showed up through a little one. The next day the object lesson was using a nail to pick up a paper clip, impossible unless you use a magnet (power source). That day, Edson exlaimed, "It's Him!" Wow, God showed His truth to the hearts of the littlest ones there. And to the hearts of all us big people God reminded us, as always,
we can trust Him. He is in the boat with us!
Please pray for our ministry during this summer as we are involved in several retreats and ministry opportunities with missionaries at our WGM Marion Office. We will have contact with many missionaries in various conference and retreat settings during this summer. We ask an interest in your prayers for our next trip to Honduras, July 29 - August 10. We will be visiting the field and continuing to meet our WGM Missionary Family. We also have the privilege of being the speakers at the retreat.
Thank you for your prayers and ministry partnership with us. God is at work and your prayers and support make all we do possible. We appreciate you from our hearts.
Ned and Marlene McGrady
6964 Mary Court
Marion, IN 46953