Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Many Hands Reaching Out

This month we were thinking about how vast God's outreach to our world really is. He is busy caring for persons around the world in real and tangible ways through missionaries that are serving Christ in cross-cultural settings. Together our interest in missions allows us the wonderful opportunity to see everyday that God is working and His love is changing lives and making a difference for good.

As part of our team your prayers and support enable us to be His hands to those that are in need of encouragement and support. This month we lead a prayer chapel at World Gospel Mission here in Marion, IN and we stood around the large globe in the atrium as we prayed for people around the world. Prayer requests came in from Honduras to Hungary and from Kentucky to Kenya as the WGM staff gathered for a dedicated time of prayer for these special requests. Not only do we have the privilege to join together in prayer, but because of your faithful giving to our ministry with WGM we are enabled to actually go to these countries and minister and encourage missionaries as they are Jesus' Hands around the world.

Thank you for the many responses and interest we received from you as you received our Prayer and Praise Update last month on this blog. God is at work and we want you to know that you are a part of making a big difference in the world for Christ! Yes you are His hands too!

This month we are planning to return to the Texas-Mexican Border where we began our missionary ministry in 1985. We will arrive in Laredo, Texas on May 28 and will be meeting our WGM missionaries John and Pricilla Kunkle and seeing the work that continues there through church ministries. We are planning a time to re-unite with some of the students that we had at Christian Union Institute while we served there until 1989. Rev. Greg and Teresa Leeth, former field directors at Laredo,  will be visiting during that time as well and we look forward to the ministry God has for us as we discover what God is doing there now. We will then head to Taylor Christian School in McAllen, Texas where a number of our WGM missionaries are very involved in education and outreach through this K - 12 Christian School and the ministry of the community center. We look forward to spending time with our missionaries there and learning first hand their ministries so that we can best support them and pray for them. From there we will head to South Padre Island where the entire WGM Mexico and WGM Texas-Mexico Border missionaries will gather for their annual retreat. Marlene and I will have the pleasure of being the retreat speakers and will be sharing God's Word with our team.  We are thrilled to be His hands to our great team of missionaries serving in that part of the world.

So His hands are many and includes you, me and all that are serving Christ around our world. Thank you for so much for joining your hands with our hands so that together.....we can make the difference! Please keep us in your prayers!

In His Service,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
6964 Mary Court
Marion, IN 46953

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