The American Indian Field is a unique and diverse ministry that is engaged in transforming lives and helping people to know God's Love in real ways. Over the years an educa-

tional ministry invested in the lives of Native Americans in wonderful and caring ways that gave way to churches being planted and lives being changed for eternity. The Southwest Indian Ministries Center is located in Peoria, Arizona and has been in existance for over 60 years.We had the wonderful opportunity to meet our WGM Missionaries working and living there. For three days we met with over 25 missionaries to invest in their lives and bring them some rest and retreat and reminded them of the need to take care of themselves and follow the Lord's directive to "come away and rest." We thoroughly enjoyed our time of ministry and building relationships with our missionaries. Our hearts are filled with love and genuine interest in serving our missionaries and being an encouragement to them.

We had the opportunity to learn about many of the ministries that our missionaries are involved in on the reservation. We traveled on Sunday down to the Tahono O'odham Reservation in Sells, Arizona. We visited the school where Fran Pierce teaches the Native American young people on the reservation. We worshiped in the church on the reservation only 7 miles away from the Mexico Border. As the service began the pastor said that his daughter who plays the piano had to work at the at the local nursing home so missionaries Leroy and Sandy Anderson mentioned to him that Ned could play and sure enough he did. What a wonderful opportunity to share in worship with this congregation of believers and to know that our Lord is at work in this remote area of our country. We were privileged to visit the nursing home and counseling center where Dorothy Low works as a nurse practitioner in the area of hospice care throughout the reservation and Sherrie Dodson works as a social worker to assist mentally handicaped and challenged native americans. One of the highlights of that visit was at the nursing home there on the reservation. Several of the residents were gathered in the Great Room and Dorothy had purchased a piano for the residents to enjoy. Music seemed to be the the method of ministry that God used on this trip.
We all gathered around the piano and residents gathered in as we sang hymns and songs for nearly an hour. One of the residents named William was in his room but heard the songs and came wheeling out to join in singing. Tears ran down his face as he remembered that he had sung in a group at the Southwest Indian School in Peoria. He said he loved to sing and the songs brought back sweet memories to his heart. We asked William if we could post his picture and mention his story in our blog. He was grateful for this time of worship. Everyone experience a blessed and spontaneous time of worship and praise. Hearts were moved and lives were encouraged as we interacted and ministered to those in attendance.
We finished our time of ministry in Arizona with a trip to the Grand Canyon. Two of our missionaries and our long time college friend and former missionary Terri Buchanan joined us for a visit to the Grand Canyon. Leroy Anderson was our host and driver and Billie Sue Dunn was our co-host. We throughly enjoyed the blessings of seeing one of the most beautiful sights and wonders of our world the Grand Canyon. The canyon is so big and made us think of just how big and awesome our Creator God is! We ask an interest in your prayers as we head to South America Jan. 21 - Feb. 6 for retreats and ministries in Paraguay and Bolivia. As always we are so very thankful for each and every one of you. It is your support and prayers that make our ministry possible. We thank you from our hearts.
It is our privilege to be "Stationed Locally and Serving Christ Globally,
Ned and Marlene McGrady
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952
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