Thursday, June 20, 2024

God is at work in Europe and What's Next?


God is at work throughout Europe. We were grateful to witness the good hand of the Lord at work throughout the three countries we visited during the month of May. Thank you for the many prayers and your caring support for us as we ministered in Spain, Albania and Greece. The snap shot in the upper left corner is a ministry team currently serving in the Barcelona, Spain area. They are doing an amazing ministry at The Puente which is a bridge to help reach African immigrants that have come to Spain. They are very involved in sharing the Good News through creative media and practical ministries. This ministry team has developed a street based ministry that provides a QR code to take an assessment to identify the top two or three needs that a person is expereincing and then gives them resources based on a Christian Worldview to help address those needs. All of the connections with folks are being made via their cell phones on the street corners of the city. Many are finding hope in Christ through this unique ministry opportuity. Pray for the team at The Puente as they continue to help people in practical ways, through counsel, care and hope that Christ brings. Practical needs are meet with Spiritual Care and God is at work!

Many ministry opprotunites for us happen around the table. Perhaps that is exactly what the breaking of bread means. We get to spend time sharing and caring, with our teams around the world in these types of visits. In the middle picture above, you will see our WGM team serving in Albania. We broke bread together with this international group of Global Workers. They are doing a tremendous job of serving the underserved people of the village just outside of the capital city of Tirana, Albania. We listended to their hearts, heard their laughter and prayed for their concerns as we spent time with each one. 

One of the greatest expereinces on the visit was the opportunity to preach at the Vilashi Church. Global Worker Luli L. translated for me as I invited the congregation to hear the Word of the Lord and enter into His presence. We worshiped togetaher and sensed the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. We have had the opportunity to preach and do ministry in 37 countries around the world in the past 20 years. What a marvelous privilege God has given to us. 

The remainder of this trip was a visit with Jack and Naomi, Ned's brother and sister-in-law as we met up together for 5 days in Athens, Greece. We took a Biblical Tour of the Foot Steps of Saint Paul amongst all of the many opportunities to see the archetecture and remains from as far back as 400BC. To walk where Paul walked, to stand at Mars Hill where Paul preached, and to realize how contemporary St. Paul was in his day as he preached about places like the Temple of the Unknown God's when he shared about a God that could be known! There was so much  that we did on this trip to not only experience the Word of God through Paul's life, but by also sharing the Gospel through the preaching of Word tand the caring of the souls of missionaries. What a privilege to work in this service to others, and you are a part of this great work too! 
What is next is the biggest question we get asked. So we have a "what is next" to ask you to pray for. Our missionaries Steve and Debbie Cartwright, WGM Missionaries who have years of service working on the Reservation at Southwest Ministries Center, in Pheonix, Arizona. Last Monday night they  suffered the tragic loss of their adult daughter as she was killed in an auto accdent. Marlene and I will be heading out to Pheonix Sunday to support and care for this family through this tragedy. Our hearts go out to this family and the entire WGM team serving amongst our Native Americans. Please pray for this family in there time of grief. It is so hard to imagine what they are expereincing. 

We ask an interest in your prayers as we prepare to go that we will remain healthy and able to serve this family as we walk with them through their grief. It is a special and holy time to help bear one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. 
Thank you for your prayers and for you continues support. Your financial gifts make this ministry a real possibility and we thankyou from our hearts!

Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health
World Gospel Mission
Marion, IN 46952


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