Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ministry Opportunties in Europe

Spain will be our first destination. 
Albania will be our second desitnation
Greece will be our third destination......

Hi  Everyone,

We are excited to share with you that our ministry opportunities are calling us to Europe this month. On May 17 we will be heading off to Spain, for a ministry visit to our partners serving in the Barcelona Area. World Gospel Mission has partnered with a ministry to refugees and we will be visiting the leaders as well as two of our WGM Global Workers. We will travel by high speed train to Malaga about 6 hours south on the Mediterranean Sea. There we will have an opportunity to visit a ministry for Global Workers who can benefit from a respite and retreat setting. Ned has been meeting with the leaders of Sent Well to learn more about this ministry. We will stay at their Sent Well facility to learn more about the ministry and services they offer. In addition we will visit a WGM Global Worker Family in that area during our stay. 

On May 21 we will fly from Malaga to Tirana, Albania where a WGM Team partners with an agency known as Planters. This international team of global workers are led by Nathan and Cydil Waggoner, long time WGM workers and area team leaders. The ministry in Albania includes a variety of ministries, including sports, special needs, church planting, and more. Marlene and I will be able to spend quality time with each person on the team. God is working in very unique and special ways in this country and we look foward to this visit. 

On May 25 we will fly from Tirana, to Athens, Greece. There we will connect with some long time supporters of our ministry that represent two churches in the southern Ohio area. Ned's brother Jack and wife, Naomi, will be meeting us there to join us in a pilgrimage of the footsteps of St. Paul. We anticipate this to be both a learning opportunity, as well as some time to enjoy family and Sabbath Rest. 

One of the biggest messages we share with our Global Workers concerns the importance of Sabbath rest and taking a pause to replenish and refresh their own souls. It is clear that we minister best out of the overflow we possess. We have an opporutnity to do this with some family and are grateful for this chance to conclude this ministry trip with a couple days to do just that. 

We ask an interest in your prayers as we expect to have some long flights, lots of connections, many conversations, and much listening to people and to the Holy Spirit as we share together. Pleaes pray for health and safety as well as good flights and connections with all we plan to see. God has certianly been faithful in preparing the way for us to go and we know that we never go on these trips alone. We go with a sense of your prayers, and your support and the prescious presence of Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness. 

Ned and Marlene McGrady
Directors of Member Health 
World Gospel Mission
Box 948
Marion, IN 46952

If you wish to send a special gift to help with ministry travel to Spain or Albania, please follow this link. SPAIN and ALBANIA 

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